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Democrats racist?


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I received the following article/letter in an email... Do the dems not like Estrada because he is conservative or because they don't want a hispanic in the second highest court, I believe, in the land?

What do you guys think?


Deceitful Senate Democrats are holding hostage President Bush's nomination of Miguel Estrada to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.

Mr. Estrada's crime?

He's not a boot-licking slave to the abortion-rights community that dictates much of the Democrats' game plan.

Senate Democrats are now filibustering to block a vote on Mr. Estrada. Their main charge is that his "lack of judicial experience" makes him unqualified.

That's a smokescreen. In fact, Steve Lilienthal at the Free Congress Foundation says that, while Mr. Estrada has not served as a judge, his experience is striking.

Mr. Lilienthal noted that Mr. Estrada "clerked for Circuit Judge Amalya Kearse on the Second Circuit and Justice Anthony Kennedy on the U.S. Supreme Court, assisting both in the research and writing of their judicial opinions. He has argued 15 cases before the Supreme Court and received a unanimous well-qualified rating from the ABA - 'the gold standard,' according to leading Democrats.

"What's more," Mr. Lilienthal observed, "five of the eight current D.C. Circuit judges had not been judges before their appointment to the Court of Appeals. Nothing - not even the fact that he's a non-liberal Hispanic - justifies raising the bar for this well-qualified and highly respected nominee."

Other pathetic allegations in this flimsy smear campaign prevail. Mr. Estrada's "temperament" is questionable. His "judicial philosophy" is debatable. He is opposed by much of the Hispanic community.

It's all a bunch of typical party-line humbug. (One of these days, voters are going to realize how devoid of substance the Democrats actually are.)

The fact is, Mr. Estrada has received the recommendations of an impressive list of judicial experts, including Democrats such as Clinton Solicitor General Seth Waxman (who called Estrada "a model of professionalism and competence") and former Gore counsel Ron Klain (who said Estrada "will rule justly toward all, without showing favor").

Moreover, Mr. Estrada is supported by a host of national Hispanic organizations, including the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Hispanic National Bar Association, Puerto Rican American Federations, the Hispanic Business Roundtable, the Latino Coalition, Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, to name a few.

This is a man who certainly meets the criteria to serve at the Second Circuit. Democrats might notice this fact if they weren't busy getting their talking points and marching orders from the affluent abortion-rights lobby which has targeted Mr. Estrada.

On Wednesday night, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), ripped into the Democrats for blocking the vote on Mr. Estrada. He rightly suggested that this vicious smear campaign carries the stench of racism.

Mr. Hatch barked, "It is hypocritical. It is wrong. It is unfair. ... How far do we go with these ridiculous arguments, these unfair arguments, these discriminatory and prejudicial arguments, against a person who has every qualification to be on this court?"

Mr. Hatch, who has a quarter-century of outstanding service on the Senate Judiciary Committee, is to be commended for identifying the illicit campaign against this worthy nominee.

Calling much of the argument against Mr. Estrada "ridiculous," Mr. Hatch continued: "There is nothing more than prejudice going on here; nothing more than unfairness going on here; nothing more than a double standard going on here; nothing more than trying to trip up the President of the United States and make his life even more miserable than it is every day with North Korea, with Iraq, with all the other problems we have in this world."

I wish I could have been there to shake Mr. Hatch's hand.

It's good to see a leading Republican taking his gloves off for a bare-knuckles battle. I believe Mr. Estrada is worthy of the fight. I hope other Republicans will be willing to get their noses bloodied to defend him because this battle bears significant consequences, especially should a U.S. Supreme Court opening occur.

I'm joining with other conservative religious leaders in urging Americans to call the Congressional Switchboard (202-224-3121) to support the nomination of Miguel Estrada. When calling, courteously urge your two senators to vote to end the filibuster of Mr. Estrada. It is particularly important that Democratic senators hear from us.

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I thought it was common sense that when it comes to things like judicial nominations both parties have to oppose the nominee.

All Republicans slander and bash Democratic nominees and vice versa. Were they expecting the Dems to just shoo him in? Drop the gloves?


"It is hard to understand why your nomination would generate controversy. The answer is found in one word, . . . and that word is 'politics.'" Senator Orrin Hatch to Robert Bork during the latter's confirmation hearings.

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There have been plenty of nominees, but both parties, who have had questionable credentials or aspects of their background that certainly opened them to fair attack. I'm not expert on the Estrada proceedings, but I have yet to understand what exactly their beef is with him. I think the criticism is certainly justified here.

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true.... it is about politics...the problem is the dems can't get which side of an issue they are on straight....and that has been the problem for the party all along: are they for diversity and promoting minorities....or are they for abortion? what happens when, as they assume, there is a conflict. well........if you are a minority you now know where you rank on the scale of priorities for the democratic party!!! dead fetuses are more important than live Latinos!!!!!

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Please give ONE example of a Democratic court nominee that has been attacked with the vigor and hatred that Estrada, Thomas, Tower, Pickerin, and Bork have received?

This is a Democratis plaoy, not a GOP ploy. OTherwise I promise you that Ginsberg would have been Borked.

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