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a disturbing defensive stat (no halftime adjustments)

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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The bottom line is Joe Gibbs and Gregg Williams are killing this teams chances to win!! They go the post game conferences and give all the credit to the opposing teams' player who single handedly kills us each game, when they should be talking about their super conservative game plans/game decisions that cost us wins each week! The Patriots are the ONLY team that has truly beaten the Skins so far, the others were handed victories personally from Joe & Gregg!! I truly believe that Gibbs' belief of "every game is going to be hard fought and down to the wire every week" has manifested itself into the psyche of the team. Everytime we have a chance to possibly stick a dagger into a team, he decides to set them free (ie: FG attempts/punts on 4th & 1's) You don't see any fire in the team's demeanor or actions! I truly believe it's time for Gibbs to do a Marty Schottenheimer and give up TOTAL & COMPLETE control to Al Saunders without any interference whatsoever!! Look how the Chargers turned around when Marty gave up "Marty Ball" (the equivalent to what Joe Gibbs is doing now!) Something has to change FAST to pump new life into this team, or it's back to another high draft pick next year!!

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The bottom line is Joe Gibbs and Gregg Williams are killing this teams chances to win!! They go the post game conferences and give all the credit to the opposing teams' player who single handedly kills us each game, when they should be talking about their super conservative game plans/game decisions that cost us wins each week! The Patriots are the ONLY team that has truly beaten the Skins so far, the others were handed victories personally from Joe & Gregg!! I truly believe that Gibbs' belief of "every game is going to be hard fought and down to the wire every week" has manifested itself into the psyche of the team. Everytime we have a chance to possibly stick a dagger into a team, he decides to set them free (ie: FG attempts/punts on 4th & 1's) You don't see any fire in the team's demeanor or actions! I truly believe it's time for Gibbs to do a Marty Schottenheimer and give up TOTAL & COMPLETE control to Al Saunders without any interference whatsoever!! Look how the Chargers turned around when Marty gave up "Marty Ball" (the equivalent to what Joe Gibbs is doing now!) Something has to change FAST to pump new life into this team, or it's back to another high draft pick next year!!

what a bunch of single-minded *rap. in many instances the players aren't executing.

you don't think Cooley lost the iggles game?

you don't think Santana lost the GB game?

while he had a great game...you don't think JC's INT on a game winning drive had a role in the Pukes loss?

you don't think the Pats flat out had a better team across the board?

we have had injuries. we have had blown assignments. we have had bad coaching at key times....it's a whole bag of things. and the team is still 5-5! I'm not happy either. but it's not as bad as you all whine....go back to last season if you want bad....real bad. we're in transition..that's a big duh. fix your mind on the right timeframe and the bumps along the way get to be more tolerable. the real energy/anger needs to be directed at how this team is going about getting better. it's taken too long and it still isn't clear that there is a real plan in place.

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B-Mitch stated that the Cowboys made the adjustments in the second half to overcome GW's scheme and that GW didn't do the same. Something about having guys controlling the seam or something to that effect.

which is exactly what i was talking about in another thread, about how we know how to shut teams down, but the second they adjust, we never do, and it kills us.

and i heard this too, and completely agreed with it.

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The problem is this as I see it.

Greg Williams has a week to adjust to what teams are doing so the Defense plays better in the first half of the game. We go into halftime thinking were playing the right defensive game so we don't make adjustments. Think of the old saying "If it isn't broken, don't fix it", it applies here. We play the same game in the second half but by then the opposing team has had a chance to see what were doing in the first half and at halftime they make adjustments against us. Greg doesn't adjust to the opposing teams new plan and we end up letting them score ALOT on us. We aren't making half time adjustments because teams aren't showing us what to adjust too until the second half and Williams isn't good at making adjustments on the fly. So were outplayed in the second half of almost every game.

Thats my 2 cents worth on this

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Please, whatever you do as a skins fan, do not listen to B Mitch when it comes to what he perceives to be a lack of coaching from the sidelines. The man proves everytime I listen to him that I would love to coach against him and would die if he was on my staff.

As for the TDs to TO. Sometimes, the other team makes a good play vs the coverage we have. Also, the TD on the left was blown coverage. You could tell by how he was released and then Springs at the last moment came flying over. Someone was to be over top of TO and wasn't.

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Dallas did itself in on two of its first half drives with the center snapping the ball when Romo sits to pee wasn't ready and over his head on another ended up as a pick. On the pick, it looked like TO had gotten position but had outrun Romo sits to pee's arm because of the bad snap.

If you really look at it, the defense actually forced 3 3-outs in the second half. Two of which gave the Skin's offense a chance to come back. Holding the Dallas offense to 28 wasn't that bad.

If you really want to pin the blame somewhere, put it on the offense. 7 drives in a row resulting in a fumble, 2 punts and 4 field goal attempts making 3 of them. The inability to put the ball in the endzone was the bigger problem.


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