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Subaru Outback - any good?


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I'm looking to replace my wife's 2001 Pontiac Grand Am that is a piece of crap. I've never bought anything other than GM in my life and I think with the problems my wife car has given us over the past 6 years I'm ready to look to something else.

We also have a 4 month old and my wife has to carry her massage table around with her so I'm looking for some more room too.

I've found a few used 2000 and 2001 Outbacks with about 130,000 miles on them for just under 8 grand. Is it safe to assume now a days 130,000 miles on a car is not a lot? I'm thinking even if I got 3 years out of the car for 8 grand it's still going to be cheaper than buying a new car, which I really can't afford anyway.

Just looking for any positive or negative comments on the Subaru Outback.

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bpoch, I had a 1997 Outback hatch until I flipped it in 1999. (Relied a little too heavily on the AWD in the rain.) :doh:

Anyway, while I had it, it was a fantastic car. Good gas mileage. Surprising acceleration for a four-banger. And it was pretty comfortable.

It's not uncommon at all to be able to rack up 200-230k miles on a Subaru, and having to do little more than change the oil. As far as durability, I don't think you can go wrong there. I'm not sure I'd buy a car that already has 130,000 miles on it, as you don't know how it was cared for before you, but like I said, they are VERY durable cars.

Also, I checked KBB, just because I thought $8,000 for an '01 sounded a little high. I was wrong. They book out retail at almost $11,000. Might not be a bad option for you. Good luck!

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