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Parcells or Spurrier


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He's got a point, guys. Spurrier over PARCELLS?!?!?!?! Are you kidding????

I wouldn't take LOMBARDI over Parcells... not even Gibbs (though he would be #2)

Comparing a college guy to perhaps the best ever does a disservice to both parties.

Debate Spurrier or Reid. Leave Percells, and his Super BowlS alone.

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There comes a time a coach can lose his grip, like a player losing a step. The last few teams he went to have progressed less and at a slower rate-perhaps this will be the one nothing gets done his way for him, or maybey his way isn't what it used to be.

As far as Gibbs over Parcell - you gotta be crazy

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I'm a Skins fan, but if I had to pick a guy, right now I'd cast my lot with Spurrier. I think Parcells is a bloated imitation of a once great coach who won't have Belickeck to lean on. Part of it may be emotional on my part, Parcells is the Deion of coaches as far as I'm concerned. Patriots to the Jets? Giants to the Cowboys? The epitome of the mercenary coach, bottom line is he has only brought a ring home for one of the three teams he has coached, and that was when he was young and hungry. I just don't respect him, I don't think he can do it without Belicheck and I think/hope/pray he will be exposed in Dallas. A Hall of Fame coach, but thats the past, for tomorrow, I'll cast my lot with Spurrier, I think he is hungrier.

And I'm a Redskins fan.

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Originally posted by Yomar

I'm a Skins fan, but if I had to pick a guy, right now I'd cast my lot with Spurrier. I think Parcells is a bloated imitation of a once great coach who won't have Belickeck to lean on. Part of it may be emotional on my part, Parcells is the Deion of coaches as far as I'm concerned. Patriots to the Jets? Giants to the Cowboys? The epitome of the mercenary coach, bottom line is he has only brought a ring home for one of the three teams he has coached, and that was when he was young and hungry. I just don't respect him, I don't think he can do it without Belicheck and I think/hope/pray he will be exposed in Dallas.

Exactly. Belicheck made him look good. Especially because Tuna's offense is so frickin' LAME. It's almost as bad as MartyBall was in DC.

And, let's not forget, that Parcells only won the SuperBowl BEFORE free-agency. Even then, he only went to two. Gibbs went to four.

If Norv Turner could beat him twice (NE and the Jets), Spurrier certainly can.

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Originally posted by RiggoDrill

Exactly. Belicheck made him look good. Especially because Tuna's offense is so frickin' LAME. It's almost as bad as MartyBall was in DC.

And, let's not forget, that Parcells only won the SuperBowl BEFORE free-agency. Even then, he only went to two. Gibbs went to four.

If Norv Turner could beat him twice (NE and the Jets), Spurrier certainly can.

I may be missing something here, and please fill me in if I am. What has Steve Spurrier exactly accomplished in the NFL? You can compare him to Fassel or Reid, but Parcells? :rolleyes:

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