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Amphetamine/Ephedrine use in NFl/MLB


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I'd like to hear thoughts on this issue and any related links you may have to shed light on the severity of this as it relates to professional sports.

I don't condone drug use among athletes but I do realize that it happens. There are numerous rumors/accusations of professional athletes taking steroids and HGH to gain a step on others. I know many of you read the infamous SI article on MLB and steroids. Ken Caminiti is a perfect example as to the danger of taking such drugs. Lyle Alzado yet another.

However, I feel that the use of ephedrine is not so cut and dry. While I do not have the documentation to prove it, read any over the counter cold remedy/anti-congestiant and you'll find that some sort of ephedrine by-product is included in the ingredience.

Personally, I smoke and have horrible allergies. I also work in a field where I have to stay up late at times. I do take ephedrine often to help with these problems I have brought on to myself. While it doesn't cure anything, I have yet to experience any side affects.

I thought the suspension of Julius Peppers for the use of this chemical was rediculous. How he was using or how it got into his system is unknown to me but I want to know your feelings and info you may be able to provide.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

The problem is that the consistent use of ephedrine is very dangerous. In the NFL unless no one does it, it becomes mandatory that all players take it. Being forced to take a life threatening drug is NOT okay.


I can't tell if you were refering to the CNN article or not, but the military is using dexedrine. Very similar, but I don't know if they are the same. The only things I have ever read about the dangers of ephedrine use is among younger and older people. I'm looking around for more info as well.

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Consistent use of ephedrine, or it's alkaloids, are NOT dangerous! Do NOT believe the hype that magazines or newsprograms spout. Year ago, there was a serious movement against ephedrine that was, I beleive, started by diet pill companies do to the fact that an ephedrine/caffeine combo was more effective and much safer than anything these hacks had out on the market. The chinese have been using ephedrine(in it's natural form 'Ma Huang') for CENTURIES. In almost every case where ephedrine is implicated in a death, misuse in one form or another was the deciding factor.

As for it's use in sports, OK, c'mon folks, let's just bury our heads in the sand a little bit more and ignore the myriad of other problems in professional sports that are MUCH more important, namely 'recreational' drug use and other 'performance enhancing agents' such as anabolic steroids and growth hormones, to name but two.

I adamantly support ephedrine use mainly because, as an ashmatic, I rely on it instead of perscription drugs or an inhalor to control my condition. I listen to my body and have had 20+ years of experience with this...picking up over the counter ephedrine products has enabled me to live my life without having to resort to taking more dangerous catabolic steroid pills or inhalants in order to keep my asthma in check.

As a performance enhancer, ephedrine is woefully inadequate for a MLB player and only marginally better for an NFL player. Now, if they condoned MISUSE of ephedrine, as in levels in the body greater than what they would be if taking the recommended dosage, then I would be all for it, but in recommended dosages, the performance benefit is not great enough to warrant this attention. As I said, with the size of todays' players seemingly growing exponentially from one year to the next, I would like to see more aggressive steroid policies in place (and growth hormone, etc).

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Agreed Muskrat. Many of the cases involving Ephedrine, whether death or sickness, are reportedly from it's consistent misuse as opposed to merely its consistent use. Ephedrine is like many other items on the market. When used specifically as directed it has been found in numerous studies to be beneficial to those seeking weight loss, specifically fat. Since it's not only a stimulant, but a decongestant, it is effective in treating bronchial asthma as well... see Muskrats post. The FDA did launch an investigation in 1997 into Ephedrine but did not ban or regulate it at the time. The FDA did issue a warning stating that it could cause severe damage to the body if misused. Apparently the specific area where Ephedrine is being misused is it dosage. As of right now, there is another investigation into Ephedrine being done by the FDA. Sweeping changes in the marketing, labeling and amount of ephedra per serving could be a result.

This much controversy should warrant caution if using it.

Here's what the FDA did in the late 90's




(the third page is a big one).

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