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What will we see tonight?


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You know, I've been waiting for this game for a little while. This is a true test for Marty. I am not referring to the fact of the extra week off, I have been looking forward to this one since the schedule came out. At Green Bay on a monday night game. National coverage and a chance to show what Marty has done.

Now, take what has happened over the last few weeks and combine it with the first week, I would have to say we know very little about what really is going on with our team.

First off, the Chargers game was one won on emotion for the bolts. Every step of the way, they beat the Skins to the punch on almost every play. They were fired up, well prepared and they were above all else, aggresive. The Redskins were outplayed and outcoached. Bad game planning on our part? On offense, you bet. On Defense, not as bad as most would think. Either way, not a game to sit and dwell on. What I did see was generally good play out of the O line and contrary to what a few have said, I saw great aggressive play by Arrington and Barber. Smoot was great as was Green for the little he played. Bailey, well, what can you say, he was his usual self. Liked what I saw from Lang and the rest of the defensive line. Alot can be placed on our MLB spot for accepting blocks instead of delivering blows. Saw some good stuff, just not cohesive. Thats what coaches are for and they should have the answer.

Thats what tonights test will be for. We actually match up well with the Pack on both sides of the ball. No reason to go into details on each position, just we do match up well. I will be very curious to see a few things from our team though.

1. Stephen Davis. Big game from him tonight is a must and I think we'll get from him.

2. Michael Westbrook, Rod Gardner and Kevin Lockett. These guys need to be active. This offense needs to open up not close in like it did vs. the Chargers. Sometimes, you just have to give it full throttle to get rid of all the grime that clogs the engine up. I expect to see this tonight.

3. Stephen Alexander. Nobody knows better then he does that he wasn't there for our passing game two Sunday's ago. He will be focused and I expect him to be "en fuego".

4. Smoot is going to be a riot tonight. You watch, he and Farve will have a few words for each other. smile.gif

5. Jeff George. You know what, this will be a game I think, as a coach, I need to call a game a little more to his liking. Lets let him loose a bit and tell him to wind up and let it go. He will be more inclined to do what the game plan calls for when he is comfortable with how he feels. We have to find a way to get him to perform as we know he can, so lets let him go and let him feel like he has proved his worth and he feels like he is at his top notch form. As everyone here will agree with, a person who feels like they have proven their point is a very easy person to work with. This will at least give Marty a solid impression of what he has in George at QB.

I guess one other thing also bothers me. I keep hearing how powerful the Packers are and especially at home how they can just dominate. Well I agree with that most of the time. However, they beat the Lions in their first game pretty handedly. Then again, the Browns pretty much destroyed the Lions also. Not sure how much to put into that first game. Our big key will be to be 100% aggressive. None of this Ron Lynn crap, oh no, I'm starting to sound like bullfrog <IMG SRC="http://users.pandora.be/karel.boonen/Smilies/099.gif" border=0>, our defense needs to react here in the begining, we can get real complicated later on when were alittle more confident in the system.

Those are my thoughts here in the morning, at least to me its morning, who knows, maybe I'll think of some other things in a bit.

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I kind of hope to see a running game like the Bengals used on the Ravens yesterday. They kind of ran off Siragusa, not right at him. I think the same thing can be done effectively against Brown of the Pack. Ah well, that's what I'm hoping for anyway.

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the key to the game is making the Packers front four tired by rushing the passer and thereby making Brown and Co. less effective versus the rush in the second half.

use the pass to set up the run. the packers back seven is not that good and if they are ever going to step out of the shadows, this is the game for Westbrook and Co. to do it.

you also have to think because of Favre's big play capability that Raye has to come out and attack the Packers.

a couple of three and out series in the first quarter could spell some real trouble for the Redskins playing on the road.

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I say on the 1st play on offense, you put in Champ Bailey....then PA to Davis and throw very deep at Westbrook, if he's no open....overthrow him.


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I say just let them play tonite and see what happens and what adjustments the coaches and players have made so far. But to say the packs secondary is somewhat weaker than the bolts is just setting ourself up for disappointment. Becuase if our passing game is not on all cylinders then we could be in for a long nite people.

So, I would say for me, it's best that I wait and see if Marty and the players are ready to get this puupy rolling. Until then, we will have to wait until the offense really starts coming around the mountain when see comes. If Ya know what i mean..haha

Anyhow, Go Skins....

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I think that is a good idea Bufford. Lets go 2 TE's, split a WR out to each side, motion Rasby back to the middle over the guard, SELL the hand-off and hit Westbrook on the fly. If anything, it will get George's blood pumping and get him fired up. Hell, it will make the short stuff feel easy to him.

I completely agree Indy, "Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war"


"He has a confidence born of demonstrated ability."<IMG SRC="http://www.ideaspot.net/nfl/NFC_East/medium/wash2-med.gif" border=0>

[edited.gif by UtahRedskins on September 24, 2001.]

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