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BBC News: US approves more troops for Iraq


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US approves more troops for Iraq

A US army 2nd Infantry Division soldier patrols central Baghdad (1 March 2007)

US and Iraqi troops have launched a major security push in Baghdad

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has approved a request for an extra 2,200 military police to support the security drive in Iraq's capital, Baghdad.

Speaking to Congress, Mr Gates said the deployment would be in addition to the nearly 24,000 combat troops and support personnel approved by President Bush.

The extra forces will help deal with an anticipated increase in detainees during the Baghdad security crackdown.

Top US military commander in Iraq, Lt Gen David Petraeus, made the request.

"That's a new requirement by a new commander," said Mr Gates of Gen Petraeus, who assumed command last month, ahead of a fresh push to quell violence in Baghdad.

Source: BBC

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According to the AP it could be up to 7,000 additonal troops.


So you looking at slightly over 30,000 troops, to me that a big difference then what Bush was selling on nation TV.


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At this point (and bash me if you will), if we plan on actually making a minor success out of the catastrophe, this has to be done. Overwhelming force. Either pull out, or go all out. One or the other. This is not a partisan talking point. If you want an all out pullout, say so. If you want to establish a semi-stable Iraq, say so. I don't see our current path as one that can do either, so choose more troops or less.

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So you looking at slightly over 30,000 troops, to me that a big difference then what Bush was selling on nation TV.


This request came from the top military commander in Iraq. The military knows better what they need than the civilian leadership. Too bad Rumsfeld didn't live by this rule, which is what we were supposed to have learned from Vietnam.

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This request came from the top military commander in Iraq. The military knows better what they need than the civilian leadership. Too bad Rumsfeld didn't live by this rule, which is what we were supposed to have learned from Vietnam.

Fair enough, but I'm more inclined to think the bush admin afraid of saying 30,000 additional troops instead of 20,000 troops. I say herrmag is right in that we need to just come out and say how many we really need, instead of playing this cat and mouse media game.


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