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Redskins Are My Life!

pR0JEkT 21

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I love the fact that there is no off season in football, plus what I do is play my madden to actually keep me in the game while football had an off season at times anyways, I was at Fanzzz today its a sports store at the mall here in Vegas. I know that baseball is around the corner and that I would be buying a Dodger hat of some sort however this years aquisitions got me so pumped up that I told myself..screw the Dodger hat get another Redskins hat and yes sir I did.

I know this doesn't matter, but I just wanted to share this with my fellow Redskins fans thats all maybe I am just too excited, but oh well guess thats just how it is. Here are some pics of the hat I just bought out here, hope they have this hat out there on the East Coast, make sure you get yours! :D



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I realized I could just plug my modem into the back of my PS2 so I started my online career.

I'm 2-6...:doh: But at least I beat the Colts with a last second field goal and beat the Giants 38-28 in NY. It's not so much that I suck as that I seem to have inherited the ridiculous bad luck we had on defense all season. For example, I got three turnovers in one game, all of which were immediately fumbled back to the other team.

Nice hat, by the way. I'm suddenly in the market for a Smoot jersey myself.

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Not a bad looking hat, but hasnt anyone told you it is not polite to

place the hat on a table? Oh yea awaiting a HARD trivia question in the other thread ..... :silly:

I actually go by whats posted in my Redskins calender, but hey I'll find one for you hol' up...guess I'll post the Trivia question back in the other thread!
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