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Danny Boy is an idiot if he fires Marty!!!


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How can Danny Boy even think about firing Marty after the 0-5 start to finish 8-8. Didn't a Hall of Fame Coach by the name of Gibbs do the samething??? Spurrier has no NFL head coaching experience and to bring him in would mean to change things to the point were we would be lucky to have a winning season for several years to come. Danny Boy needs to think with his head abd not his EGO!!! We don't want to see another Norv like team.

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My thoughts on this:

With the desire Snyder has had to have Spurrier as the head coach, I think this is something he can't pass up if he has a legitimate shot at pulling off.

If Spurrier had considered the job a year ago, Marty would have been nothing but an afterthought for your coaching position.

I agree; Mary finished the season hot and that should probably be taken into consideration. But Spurrier has been the dream of Snyder's for a while -- so from his standpoint, I think this is something he can't let slip away.

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while the debate over Marty can go either way, you can't really compare Gibbs and Schottenheimer. Gibbs was a first time head coach in the NFL that came in and had to become accustomed to being in the top job. He also didn't have control over personnel.

The fact it took him a few games to get his system established is understandable.

With Marty, we had a coach with 15 years of experience in the job, which he kept reminding us of I guess so we would not forget it laugh.gif

in addition, he had total control over personnel.

so, you are comparing apples and oranges.

the other difference is that Gibbs was never facing a player mutiny. his problems stemmed more from the X's and O's of what kind of offense and defense the team was going to run and which players were suited and which were not.

Marty's problems in the beginning were largely of his own doing. He failed to see and confront player issues which were brewing on his watch during camp and the preseason. He allowed that to continue into the regular season after dismissing the 4 preseason performances as 'not being particularly meaningful.'

He was wrong. And for $10 million you expect your veteran hardened coach to manage the psychology of his team better than that.

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And if Spurrier is a bust, we'll once again be wallowing in the depths of the NFL standings for half a decade. I'd say there's a 50/50 chance of him being successful. Butch Davis made the leap, and did a damn good job. We can only hope the same is true for Spurrier.

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"the other difference is that Gibbs was never facing a player mutiny." - bulldog

Well, players probably weren't as apt to chanllenge a coach's authority in those days. Even in the late 80s/early 90s it was rare. Only in recent years do you see real power struggles between players and the front office (which I have a hard time stomaching.) While Marty must bear some responsibility for the horrid start, I would say that players today are harder to coach than they were during the Gibbs era.

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Gibbs had plenty of NFL coaching experience with St Louis in the mid 70's and the San Diego in the later 70's. I have been following the Redskins and the NFL since the early 70's

and yes the players are harder to coach now and that has made the game not as fun to watch from a fans stand point.

I remember when QBs called their own plays. You have too much money out there for the product you get on the field. Its all about $$$$$$ and who suffers?? US the FANS!!! For the amount of $$ these assholes get, when they are told to jump, they should ask "How High Coach". For those of you who choose to support bringing in Spurrier, Don't ***** when the Skins stink!!!!!!!



life long Skins fan

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