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No....I think Marty should fire his brother, Hire Dungy and then hire another offensive guy.

That would be my dream if Snyder doesn't get Wolf to come in and GM the place.


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if the rumors are true and Snyder nixed the Westbrook deal, showing he is getting involved in operations again, you can say goodbye to Ron Wolf, Tom Modrak and any other respected personnel man that we had hoped to hire.

Snyder needed to let Marty make his own mistakes this season and THEN evaluate the organization AFTER game 16.

To interfere after game 6 is just ridiculous. You sat by and watched a 30-3 blowout in the opener and 37-0 against Green Bay but are NOW going to overrule Marty on Westbrook after a VICTORY and much better play weeks later?

What is Westbrook's continued presence on the team going to contribute to the bottom line unless the team uses him properly?

And even then, you are looking at a 10 week rent a player who is going to use those stats to sell himself elsewhere.

Mindless management.

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I think these reports of Danny nixing the Westbrook thing might not be all that true. Who's to say Denver offered a #3 straight up for the guy? who's the say MARTY wasn't the guy who wanted more like another DT or something? If Danny was still in charge then he would of nixed the Larry Centers thing since the guy was the teams leading receiver. This all makes me think back when those sources were saying Deion would be cut on june 1st.

lets face it people, we've got no idea whats really going on in there. All we can go by is what people are writing which isn't always true.

[edited.gif by Bufford on October 24, 2001.]

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Bufford, you put your finger on exactly the problem that we have at the moment. People in the organization are being purposefully vague and noncommittal regarding what is going on because everyone is looking to escape some amount of responsibility for being 1-5.

The same thing happened after the team was 0-7 in 1998. In some articles with "sources" Norv was to blame for keeping the wrong players and not being a forceful leader. In others Casserly was to blame for bringing in the wrong kinds of players and not understanding free agency and the salary cap in the early years. Still others cited the culpability of John Kent Cooke who by some accounts was a laid back presence and someone who wanted to avoid confrontation and unpleasantness at any cost, including letting the team slide into mediocrity.

Whatever the individual culpability of Dan and Marty and whatever joint responsibility they have, the fact remains the team is not the playoff contender in Week 6 that was all but promised in the preseason by the Head Coach and General Manager.

Snyder indicated that Marty was his first hire for the organization and would be one people looked back on as the start of a new era.

Time to stand behind those words and publicly support the coach up until the time he is ready to let him go.

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I agree so until somebody with a name steps up and says that Danny blocked that or Marty is fired. I don't believe it. I think that if the Westbrook thing was legit. They would be talking about it in the Denver papers also. I looked over there last night and this morning. Nothing of any substance on what or if the Bronco's offered a thing.


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What I meant was that the failure to move Westbrook or to use him properly in the offense is one that is attributable to Marty as GM/Head Coach and indirectly to Snyder based on his choice of Schottenheimer as the organization's front man.

But, Dan needs to come out and publicly support Marty more than he has even if in his heart he has begun to think he made a mistake. There is a lot that can happen in 10 weeks and Snyder owes it to Marty not to undercut him before we reach the end of the season.

Remember that JKC did not fire Jack Pardee or Richie Petitbon until the 1980 and 1993 seasons were over.

In fact, you knew the records probably indicated the coaches were in some obvious trouble but they were allowed to play with the hand they had dealt themselves until the deck ran out.

What I am concerned about is, we as fans can cut on Marty and show frustration because we aren't in a responsible position vis a vis the team.

When you are you need to show more solidarity and loyalty with those you are shoulder to shoulder with.

Anything less and Snyder looks the worse for hiring Marty in the first place.

Any talk from Fred Drasner or others about replacing Schottenheimer should be muted by Snyder.

There is nothing to be gained right now from that kind of negativity.

I personally believe Marty will NOT be back next year, for a number of reasons we have all discussed.

But if I were the owner I would not let my minority partner and others go around town saying as much.

That is my prerogative and I would choose the when and the why of it.

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