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What is Brunell?


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here is a definition according to Urban Dictionary. I am not saying OUR Brunell meets all of this critera, but it does explain a little bit about our situation. :laugh:

BrunellA person who's continued existence causes severe harm to the human race, in terms of genetics. This is not a racial thing, or a sexist thing. It is an intellectual slur, reserved only for the worst of the worst of morons and sh*theads.

Suggestions: If a brunell is in your area, do not approach it. The best way to deal with a brunell is to go out of your way to prevent it from breeding, because the only thing worse than a brunell, is a brunell's offspring. (Brunellings).


The act of getting f**ked over!

Man that guy is a brunell, what a f**k up!


I just got brunelled by that idiot.


To reiterate I personally do not hate Brunell and I supported him while he played, but for the Brunell haters on this board I am sure you will have a good laugh.

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Please Stop! The man is one of the best Qb the last 15 years... He aged, he did not ask to come here he was traded for... He is still on our team

But yet you did not support him while he was a starter. I was just looking random stuff up on the website. I DID NOT say that this is my feeling towards the man.

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On one hand I feel for the guy, because all reports is he is extremely likeable. However, who did not see this coming when it was announced he was starting QB this year? When I heard news, I could not believe it. As a football player i despise him, and I have never seen a "winner's heart" in him. Not saying he has not won anything, just saying he doesnt have the heart of a Favre or a couple dozen other QB's.

Best of luck to him in whatever he pursues (as long as it is not as starting qb (barring injury) )

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Brunell must feel like a total failure as it is. Fans do not need to stoop to this kind of degregation at any cost. Having a laugh is one thing, insulting a mans heritage and name he had no choice to take, is well the lowest form of BS possible. Let's stop the crazy threads that do nothing but show hate. Let him retire in peace.

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here is a definition according to Urban Dictionary. I am not saying OUR Brunell meets all of this critera, but it does explain a little bit about our situation. :laugh:

BrunellA person who's continued existence causes severe harm to the human race, in terms of genetics. This is not a racial thing, or a sexist thing. It is an intellectual slur, reserved only for the worst of the worst of morons and sh*theads.

Suggestions: If a brunell is in your area, do not approach it. The best way to deal with a brunell is to go out of your way to prevent it from breeding, because the only thing worse than a brunell, is a brunell's offspring. (Brunellings).


The act of getting f**ked over!

Man that guy is a brunell, what a f**k up!


I just got brunelled by that idiot.


To reiterate I personally do not hate Brunell and I supported him while he played, but for the Brunell haters on this board I am sure you will have a good laugh.

Are you actually a Redskins fan? This sounds like something that Brian Mitchell would say. I do not find the humor in this thread. Like I have said in a previous post. I will laugh my ass off if Brunell gets traded to another team and soars past us in the Playoffs. Check out the history of how we deal with players that we think are mediocre.

Let's see: Just stating the ones that I remember.

1. Brad Johnson

2. Trent Greene a 3rd stringer for the redskins for christsake

someone wasnt doing their job that year.

3. could this be Brunell?

ahh i can't remember them all but maybe someone can help fill in the blanks.

I'll tell you what we really need on offense.

Tra Thomas , Alan Feneca (not to sure about his first name but maybe i'm close) , Floyd Womack, Randy Thomas of course and a couple others that I just can't think of right now.

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Definition.. Robbnva= severe character flaws. Listen to Jason and Mark on Redskins.com from today--two extremely classy guys--we are lucky to have them on the Skins.


Mark is a great guy and he was one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL during the 90's.

He lost his job, obviously. So get off the guys back. Show some class. I'm glad he is a part of this organization.

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I am not saying that Mark Brunell is not classy. I just posted this for the true MB haters because I found it on UrbanDictionary.com. I am not sure how this became a definition and I do not really care I just thought it was funny (although very mean) that this was on their website.

Mark Brunell is a wonderful Christian man and I am sure his family is top notch. the purpose of this post was how it relates to his career as a Redskin Quarterback.

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here is a definition according to Urban Dictionary. I am not saying OUR Brunell meets all of this critera, but it does explain a little bit about our situation. :laugh:

BrunellA person who's continued existence causes severe harm to the human race, in terms of genetics. This is not a racial thing, or a sexist thing. It is an intellectual slur, reserved only for the worst of the worst of morons and sh*theads.

Suggestions: If a brunell is in your area, do not approach it. The best way to deal with a brunell is to go out of your way to prevent it from breeding, because the only thing worse than a brunell, is a brunell's offspring. (Brunellings).


The act of getting f**ked over!

Man that guy is a brunell, what a f**k up!


I just got brunelled by that idiot.


To reiterate I personally do not hate Brunell and I supported him while he played, but for the Brunell haters on this board I am sure you will have a good laugh.

Are you from the land of bothers and sister breeding/ or was it first cousins? Didn't like the comment? I don't like yours about our 2nd QB- you don't, and I repeat, don't-kick a human being when he/she is down - unless you are a cowsissie. To be a true Redskin fan -#1. You support them thru good times and bad, #2. Redskins team members aren't disposeable/ You all got your wish, Jason is playing - in fact Jason is very, very gracious about what Mark has done for him since coming to and currently now taking over the team. You could learn allot about class from listening to Jason.

Mods, please...............

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I totally agree here is another a self righteous underachieving chump who appears to be a team guy but is a selfish bum who refuses to concede the limelight for the improvement of the team. Did i mention washed up

He is far worse than that!.... :laugh:

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I am not saying that Mark Brunell is not classy. I just posted this for the true MB haters because I found it on UrbanDictionary.com. I am not sure how this became a definition and I do not really care I just thought it was funny (although very mean) that this was on their website.

Mark Brunell is a wonderful Christian man and I am sure his family is top notch. the purpose of this post was how it relates to his career as a Redskin Quarterback.

No excuse - shouldn't have been posted - you just labeled yourself.

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Are you actually a Redskins fan? This sounds like something that Brian Mitchell would say. I do not find the humor in this thread. Like I have said in a previous post. I will laugh my ass off if Brunell gets traded to another team and soars past us in the Playoffs. Check out the history of how we deal with players that we think are mediocre.

Let's see: Just stating the ones that I remember.

1. Brad Johnson

2. Trent Greene a 3rd stringer for the redskins for christsake

someone wasnt doing their job that year.

3. could this be Brunell?

ahh i can't remember them all but maybe someone can help fill in the blanks.

I'll tell you what we really need on offense.

Tra Thomas , Alan Feneca (not to sure about his first name but maybe i'm close) , Floyd Womack, Randy Thomas of course and a couple others that I just can't think of right now.

Well i agree that we should not treat him like that. But come on dude, No teams going to pick him up, He is not going to go past us in the playoffs, He is not a starting qb anymore. What the hell did you see in him to make you think he can still play, what team is going to pick him up as a starter. You have got to be kidding. My little niece who is 13 years old and who does not no a dam thing about football said to me while we was watching the eagles game said " HE needs to be benched". I think Mark is a good guy. He was a good QB when he was younger. I was station in Jax when he was playing for the jags. He was a beast. But he just does not have it anymore. EXCEPT IT! LET IT GO! HE'S DONE
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I am satisfied he has been replaced, and I've taken a few graphic image shots at him when he was QB, but I refuse to pile on now that he's gone by endorsing this stuff.

I've always said at work that I could despise a co-worker, and would still hate to see him lose his job. I know how it feels.

The time had come. He needed to go. It's enough for me.

I will now officially get them out of my system forever:


Never went over well, but my favorite.


(actually this one was meant to be supportive)


Most popular.


This one was apparently phophetic.


Another apparent dud. Too hard to figure out I guess. (Meant to be metaphor for getting 3 yards when needing 4)


Limited release.

so that's it. Good luck.

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