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yesterday being a skins fan was embarrassing

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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I was at the game yesterday in philadelphia proudly wearing the burgandy and gold with my brother. We were heckled, we even had stuff thrown at us in the parking lot (all of which i expected) but it was fun. after the game, ive never felt so disgusted as a fan. the eagles fans werent even laughing at us, i truly think they felt bad. this is eagles fans were talking about people. one of the guys on the eagles post game show called brunell the biggest coward hes even seen in all of his years of broadcasting. he said he'd never seen a qb throw the ball away more, be so afraid of hits, and be so afraid to go downfield with the football. and ya know what? hes dead on. but whats even worse than brunell (if thats even possible) is everyones beloved joe gibbs. that man embarrassed himself yesterday against a division rival. he had conceded the win in the middle of the 3rd quarter. the game was never insanely out of reach, and what does our savior do? run the football instead of taking chances at tying the came. pathetic. ive never been so disgusted watching this team. and for anyone of you who try and spew your "youre not a true fan" bs, there were hardly any skins fans there yesterday and all of the skins fans that i did see (which was literally less than 10) all left in the beginning of the 4th quarter. i stayed the whole time and watched us go down the drain because i was hoping to at least see SOMETHING that resembled a real football team.

my cousins were there (big eagles fans) and they dont know much about football. they asked me after the game, "why doesnt your QB throw down the field" and i wouldnt even answer i was so mad. its pathetic. for anyone who still believes in brunell, seriously, just stop.

AND, czaban is the best reporter on that show. oooo hes a jackass? get over it, he asks LEGIT questions, not watered down BS that no one cares about. id love to see someone actually answer a czaban question with a substantive answer vs the typical joe gibbs BS "fought our guts out, super smart guys, watch more film, blah blah blah". if you actually feel sorry for brunell getting blazed by czaban, you have issues. brunell is a highly paid professional and is supposed to get things done, and hes not, so somebody asks him about it, and half of you flip out like czaban is way out of line. grow up.

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Sorry you had to endure that. Dont worry here is the silver lining, by the time the eagles make there way here Jason would have had a couple of games under his belt. We will annihalate the eagles. You wait and see.... (p.s. I retract this statement if brunell is playing.)

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I agree 100% but I was one of the people that left the game at the end of the 3rd quarter and let me tell you why...All week Mark and I have been trying to get people to meet us in lot D4 for a Super 'Skins tailgate and only three members from this board showed up, wait maybe 4 because I think Bill came later, either way we wore our 'Skins jersey's, jackets and other items and we stayed in lot D4 for hours waiting to see a least a good game. Not to mention that my four friends and I paid almost $800 for lower level tickets only to take crap, which was fine because after the game last year we knew what to expect again this year. Most of the crap was innocent enough until the egging. :doh: Additionally, my friends and I had to deal with not only insults about the 'Redskins but racial slurs as well. :doh: After all that, including the rain, I was more than ready by the end of the third quarter.

The people that you should really be ashamed of are the ones that had 'Skin t-shirts under green jackets. :doh: my friends and I took that crap for about seven hours (including the game) only to have the team completely lay an egg, wait no they didn't the eggs were all over our tailgate. :wtf:

Like you I was totally embarrassed yesterday. I really felt an all time low. People were calling me on my phone and I just cut that dag on thing off. I was so heated. I understand your pain brother.

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Ditto, I am so sick of hearing the same old excuses. I've been a Skins' fan since Norm Snede was the QB (I was very young) so don't go there with me, but disgust is the only way I can describe this season. Seems like when you have a team with so much "talent", it could be either be an ego (I want the ball more than him) problem or to me it seems there may be too many chiefs (or x-chiefs), does not seem to be much cohesion on the coaching staff which trickles down to the players.

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I was also at the game and it was bad, just bad. Our O line didn't do the greatest job yesterday either. All I could do was hang my head while walking out of the stadium. They were chanting A-HOLE, A-HOLE , on the way in and just laughing at me on the way out. What a humbling day.

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I was also at the game and it was bad, just bad. Our O line didn't do the greatest job yesterday either. All I could do was hang my head while walking out of the stadium. They were chanting A-HOLE, A-HOLE , on the way in and just laughing at me on the way out. What a humbling day.

You too. I have never been called as Ass-hole so much in all my life. But wait, I am still young. :mad: Oh yeah, did they egg you too?

BTW, my ZX6 has 600 ways to get in that *****. ;) Down with Suzuki. Boo!

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I was at the game too, along with my 9 year old daughter, drove 300 miles from VA to get there, and WE WORE OUR COLORS PROUDLY!! We had fun at the tailgate, managed to round up I guess about 20 skins fans in D4. Only one thing I disagree on about what you said....and I'll just re-write it...

"It was an embarrassing loss for the Redskins, but still not embarrassed to be a Redskins fan!"

We were out-played, out-thought, out right dominated because Brunell could'nt get something going. For whatever reasons Gibbs made the decisions he did, we really don't know. But I think now we will see some changes!!

But we still wore our colors today. We take each loss with a grain of salt. And we will still be there for the next game, and the next season.....and the seasons to come.

Good insight on your comments though!

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I was also at the game and it was bad, just bad. Our O line didn't do the greatest job yesterday either. All I could do was hang my head while walking out of the stadium. They were chanting A-HOLE, A-HOLE , on the way in and just laughing at me on the way out. What a humbling day.

if you were sitting by yourself in redskins gear, i saw you there because an entire section was chanting that at a dude sitting two sections over from me. probably section 226 or 222, i dont know which way the numbers went.

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newsflash: joe gibbs is human. did he win superbowls? sure did. can he make mistakes? sure can. and is he currently making mistakes? yes sir. conceding like he did yesterday was actually beyond embarrassing. if you dont think so, then wow.
Joe Gibbs didn't concede. We just sucked.
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I was at the game too, along with my 9 year old daughter, drove 300 miles from VA to get there, and WE WORE OUR COLORS PROUDLY!! We had fun at the tailgate, managed to round up I guess about 20 skins fans in D4. Only one thing I disagree on about what you said....and I'll just re-write it...

"It was an embarrassing loss for the Redskins, but still not embarrassed to be a Redskins fan!"

We were out-played, out-thought, out right dominated because Brunell could'nt get something going. For whatever reasons Gibbs made the decisions he did, we really don't know. But I think now we will see some changes!!

But we still wore our colors today. We take each loss with a grain of salt. And we will still be there for the next game, and the next season.....and the seasons to come.

Good insight on your comments though!

Hey Marc it was good to meet you yesterday. The tailgate was a blast considering the elements. Thanks for the marriage proposal. BTW, your daughter is adorable. :)

Oh yeah, I apologize that those ignorant Eagles fans insulted the vets of America. :mad:

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Sad but true. I just cant get over some of the decisions made by the coaching staff and front office this season. Examples of such odd decisions include but are not limited too............. The AA signing/ release of Ryan Clark, trading up and giving away a draft pick for Jason Campbell, The TJ Duckett botch(another draft pick give away) , changing offenses the season after going to the playoffs, (ever heard if it aint broke dont fix it?)

it hasnt been just this season though. We never resigned Smoot, Pierce, and Clark (although I mentioned this already.) These people were supposed to be "core" Redskins. I just keep scratching my head wondering whats going on around here.

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I am ashamed for you. To take that punishment in the Eagles venue, is well, brave my man. I tip my hat to you for being honest, and sharing your true thoughts. For all those "real fans" out there, who don't want to hear it, get the **** out of here. We were embarassed on prime time football, and to have to bear it live would be intolerable.

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We were in 225, front row on the railing, my daughter and I proud as could be.....but, Mark might be able to attest to this (he was behind us a few rows) ...there was an Eagles fan several rows back, starting taunting us....at first no big deal, but then he said something about /to my daughter, I can't remember which, but it set me off. Needless to say, after a bit of 'discussion' with the security, we were moved...thats another story in itself! I understand that that fan was ejected though, so served him right for picking on my daughter. How uncooth! A few others around us had something to say, but it was tolerable....unacceptabel, but tolerable. I have NEVER treated a visiting fan to FEDEX that way. Oh well!~ must be something in the Philadelphia water....LMAO:eaglesuck :helmet:

if you were sitting by yourself in redskins gear, i saw you there because an entire section was chanting that at a dude sitting two sections over from me. probably section 226 or 222, i dont know which way the numbers went.
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Hey darling, great to meet you all too. It was nice to meet some of the other new 'Skins' fans too. hey, you can't apologize for their (Eagles fans) lack of maturity....LOL I guess I can put it this way...Taunt me because I am a Skins fan, that ok, and expected. Disrespect the military in ANY way, or disrespect my daughter in any way, we have issues!!!!!

We all had a great time, especially Kristi, considering the atmosphere...Looking to repay the Eagles at FEDEX!!!!

:eaglesuck :helmet:

Hey Marc it was good to meet you yesterday. The tailgate was a blast considering the elements. Thanks for the marriage proposal. BTW, your daughter is adorable. :)

Oh yeah, I apologize that those ignorant Eagles fans insulted the vets of America. :mad:

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I'm right there w/ you!! Czaban asks questions that nobody else has the nerve to ask---and I'm not a Czaban fan, but he's representing the fans. I have NEVER seen a performance so pathetic (or hillarious) in my life by an NFL team. And it's easy for defenses to play us, because even I know what the plays are going to be!! And if it's not working, why keep doing the same thing OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER???!!! And if I was making the kind of money Brunell's making, I'd be ASHAMED to pick up my check!!

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Hey darling, great to meet you all too. It was nice to meet some of the other new 'Skins' fans too. hey, you can't apologize for their (Eagles fans) lack of maturity....LOL I guess I can put it this way...Taunt me because I am a Skins fan, that ok, and expected. Disrespect the military in ANY way, or disrespect my daughter in any way, we have issues!!!!!

We all had a great time, especially Kristi, considering the atmosphere...Looking to repay the Eagles at FEDEX!!!!

:eaglesuck :helmet:

I am looking to repay them too. They deserve all that they get. But we must be sure not to stoop to their low level. But I agree severe innocent taunting is definitely in order. ;) See you at FEDEX.

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