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Instigation and FedEx security.


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So, I'm in the stands for Dallas, enjoying myself and having a good time. Buzzed nicely, given morning tailgates are the one time in a man's life drinking before noon (hell, before 9 a.m.) is not only acceptable, but, required. I enjoy just sitting in the stands during games. Sometimes even more than being on the sidelines.

Perhaps I go to too few of the games to know whether society and gaming etiquette has changed on me, or, if this is the way it always was. A few years ago I was next to a couple of Rams fans. They cheered nicely and appropriately for their team. They were appropriately quiet and respectful otherwise. When Redskin fans started giving them the business just for wearing Rams uniforms, I was torn. Personally, I don't like opposition fans at games. But, if they show up, I do expect them to behave JUST like this couple did. And when the Redskin fans were in their face, I stopped the Redskin fan from doing this.

At this Cowboy game, I was faced with a different type of fan. A Cowboy fan who was not appropriately quiet and respectful. One who didn't cheer when his team did well, but, was loud and boosting of the Cowboys constantly. Let's Go Cowboys. Defense. Various chants of that sort. None profane. But, the way it was done, and with the constant throaty cheering, it was clear Redskin fans throughout the area were turning on him. A problem was going to develop and, frankly, this guy deserved a beating.

Trying to head this off, I grabbed the 45-pound security guard in our section and told him to keep an eye on that Cowboy fan because something was going to break out. The bottom line is, "Lets Go Cowboys," chants while the fans around are quiet for our offense to work is instigation and insulting to the home fans as it would be if I was singing Hail to the Redskins while the Cowboys had the ball in Texas Stadium.

Unfortunately, the security guard never did anything BUT sit on the steps right behind the guy, effectively allowing him to say anything he wanted while preventing anyone else from approaching him (me specifically) and telling him it was time to be respectful or leave. Fans in two sections became increasingly agitated. Taunts and profanity started going back and forth many rows away.

Yet, security sat there, doing absolutely nothing. I was disappointed. In a stadium where it is "policy" not to stand up unnecessarily -- meaning you cause fans behind you to stand up -- and where security can come to you and ask you to sit down, why is it a Cowboy fan was essentially able to push things right up to the brink before HE left on his own. He knew he had to leave. At least a dozen people were screaming at him that he was toast on the way out of the stadium. The guy behind him started yelling into his ear. It was going to blow up. And, the Cowboy fan left on his own.

My point is, I knew four minutes into the game he was a problem. I informed security. They did nothing. I'd love to see security essentially given the directive to tell opposition fans they are in a hostile environment. Cheer for their team, but, don't draw such attention to yourself you essentially are spitting in everyone's face.

That's my story. Next time, I don't tell security, so he stays down below. Then, I can put an early end to it myself :).


I hear what your saying but your not security or a cop for that matter. Sometimes you have to just be a fan and let what happens, happens. You cant control what happens around you all the time. In fact you could put yourself in a dangerous situation next time.

I'm not dumping on you I am just trying to look out for you.


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