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Saw the game for the first time last night


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Im a baseball coach and this weekend we had a tournament, we made it to the title game so we had to play at 3, hense I missed most of the game.

I did watch about 45 minutes of it in between baseball games on Sunday, it was 5-0 when I got to the bar and it was 12-9 when I left.

My brother was sending me text messages during my game keeping me updated on how the Skins were doing.

I haven't missed a game in so many years and when I finally do its a classic :doh: . Thats the way it works out though, any of you guys ever had to miss a game because of something you just couldn't miss and then the game turn out to be unbelievable?

Why the hell couldn't I miss the Colts game where we got blown out :mad:

I was thrilled when I found out the game was going to be on NFL replay and I watched it last night.

It is alot easier to watch a game when you know you're going to win :cheers:

We are still getting killed on 3rd downs, why this team can't stop anyone on 3rd and relatively long I don't know. I think Dallas was something like 9 for 13 on third down? Thats just a back breaker.

On the bright side Andre Carter played pretty well, hopefully he'll play better now that we are getting healthy up front with C. Griffin being back.

I have never gotten into the Adam Arch. discussions but its a fact now, he is absolute garbage. He was getting out run by a tight end, I would hope he had better speed than that but I guess not. Looks like Vincent will be taking alot of his playing time.

I don't want this to turn into a Brunell thread but he didn't look very good to me. The TD pass to Cooley was a poorly thrown ball, very luck to get that. He threw one ball that hit R. Williams in the head and should have been a pic and another duck that Henry should have picked off.

Brandon Lloyd is not a bust in my opinon. The guy plays hard, he blocks down field, which is what sprung Portis for that TD in the first half, and he makes plays when given the chance. I like the guy alot.

If I didn't know we had won the game 22-19 I wouldn't have believed Novak's last kick was going in. The short FG he made earlier looked bad, the 1st game winning attempt had no chance, and like I said, if I didn't already know that the kick went in I wouldn't have believe the last one was going to make it.

They showed Novak after the game with some reporters and he made a comment about God grabbing the ball and pushing it in or something ridiculous like that.

I'm going to give him a pass because he's young and it was right after the game, but I hate stupid comments like that, God dosen't care who wins NFL football games, I'd hope God had more important things to worry about then a FG. But like I said he's young and dumb so i'll give him a pass and later in an interview he said something about the crowd all blowing air on that side of the stadium, that joke was better.

All and all I think we have a ton of problems.

We are terrible on 3rd down defense.

Brunell did not play well again. I think we were one Dallas defender being able to catch from talking about us being 2-6.

Novak scares the hell out of me, he's 2 for 5 and his 2 makes were ugly.

But to be optomistic we won the game and even ugly wins can start momentum, our win in AZ last year was digusting but it was win 2 in the streak.

So here is to an ugly win moving us in the right direction and getting on a roll :cheers: HTTR

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I think it's a waste of time and energy to be upset about a player jokingly crediting God with their team's good fortunes on any given day or any given specific play...I also think it's pretty ironic to criticize someone for saying what God did by saying what God would not have done lol...both cases are someone claiming to "speak" for God and what He would or wouldn't do, and neither is any better or worse than the other.

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