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The Defense Finally Healthy


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I was just wondering with all the players that has been injured on defense ( Big Joe, C.Griff, L.Marshall, C.Rogers, Shawn Springs, etc.) and Troy Vincent getting a better grasp of our defense how would that upgrade our defense. I was thinking that injuries was the main problem with our defense. It's the only reason why Kenny Wright has been starting all these games. I assume that with the defense finally healthy G.Williams can get back to what he originally planned on doing and that is blitzing. Kenny Wright and Mike Rumph can play the nickle and this should free up AA, Sean Taylor, Shawn Springs and our linebackers to blitz. What are your thoughts?

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I agree completely. I'm looking forward to our D coming full-speed at Bledsoe or Romo sits to pee, whoever Parcells has starting. If our O can put up 20-30 points which they have been doing fairly consistently, then I think we can win this game fairly easily. They say defense wins championships and it's been our D costing us games more so than our O for a change. But I'm like you, I think it's injury related.

I mean Springs and Rogers have yet to start a game together...that makes our safeties jobs a lot harder, and the D-Line hurting, it's hard to stop the run and get a good pass rush...I think you will see a strong Redskins D when we return from the bye.

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Agreed completely. We took a blow in loosing Pierson Prioleau too, but Troy Vincent is soothing the wound nicely. I saw him out there taking a stand on defense, always good- thats what we need the vet for. Hopefully Jesus himself comes down to Redskin Park and performs a healing miracle on the entire defense. It would certainly be nice to see them all healthy and playing the way I know they can. (See: Cincy preseason game)

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