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Iraq numbers


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It would be nice if you could make a thread with an actual subject. Nice try, though.

WW II casualties for the US: 300,000 (plus 300,000 wounded)

WW I casualties for the US: 54,000

Korean War casualties for the US: 33,000

Vietnam War casualties for the US: 50,000

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Numbers are fun

Iraqi civilians killed this year by ISLAMIC Terrorists


Iraqi civilians killed collaterally by Americans


More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (source)

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals put to death in the last 65 years. (source)

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This is an honest question. At this point, what good is it doing americans to stay in this seemingly unwinnable situation.

That depends on who you ask. If you ask alexey or chom they will say it's because Bush/Cheney are evil and did it all for haliburton/Iraqi oil. If you ask those further right they will say that it's not unwinnable, but the military is fighting with one arm tied behind it's back.

If you ask me, I think administration has made it's bed and now they have to sleep in it.

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It would be nice if you could make a thread with an actual subject. Nice try, though.

WW II casualties for the US: 300,000 (plus 300,000 wounded)

WW I casualties for the US: 54,000

Korean War casualties for the US: 33,000

Vietnam War casualties for the US: 50,000

The Lancet study had the death count at over 600,000

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This is an honest question. At this point, what good is it doing americans to stay in this seemingly unwinnable situation.

That depends on who you ask. If you ask alexey or chom they will say it's because Bush/Cheney are evil and did it all for haliburton/Iraqi oil.

I would ask you to try and avoid presenting your understanding of my position in the manner quoted. I ask you this because you do not appear to have a very good grasp of what my position is. In other words, if you ask Beaudry he will say that sex with animals is a worthwile activity. :laugh:

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The Lancet study had the death count at over 600,000

I don't know what you are referencing here. 600,000 death of who in where doing what?

I would ask you to try and avoid presenting your understanding of my position in the manner quoted. I ask you this because sex with animals is a worthwile activity.

If you say so, man.

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