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Campbell, McIntosh & Myth About Youthful Mistakes


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How are people blaming this loss on Brunell? He should never have been in the position where he had to lead a game-winning drive, backed up in field position, with 1 minute ont he clock & no timeouts. You guys are acting like any competent QB can do that with ease. No. That is difficult even for Joe Montana-caliber QBs.

He made a bad throw...but it's like asking John Hall to hit a 52 yarder to win the game: it would be nice if he hit it, but we shoudl never be in that position in the first place.

The game was lost when the defense could not get off the field with more than 2 minutes on the clock in the 4th quarter.

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Personally, it doesn't matter right now, because it isn't the QB that's making the difference in these games. It is the defense which can't get off the field.

While I agree with the defensive part of this I think you are forgetting the drives that stalled on the Skins due to poor QB play. Mark missed Moss in bounds down the left sideline at least twice to keep drives alive and overthrough a wide open Chris Cooley toward the end of the game on a play that looked to me like a sure TD if the ball was only delivered correctly. And I did not even mention the INT to stop the last drive of the game where I have no clue who he was throwing to.

You are right, the D can't get off the field...but the O does not seem able to STAY there either and a lot of that appears to be the QBs fault.

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Brunell had 2 other passes dropped that were sure int's. I know we scored 22 but the fact of the matter is we should have scored 42 and left no doubt. Who has direct tv with dvr? I do. See how many guys were wide open? Honestly, moss was tripled the whole game. Of course others were open. Our rb's in the flat were wide open the whole game. I remember we get toasted by this all the time.

Campbell might be the next brady,big ben but we will never know if he is on the bench. Wasnt tatupu a rookie on that good seahags D that went to the superbowl last year? Palamalu? The point is we wont know unless they are on the field. How can we trust the coaches personnel decisions now? They thought Carter was GOOD? LMAO

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