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All Skins fans have,are Us..


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I guess the City that the Skins represent don't even like em, not sayin the fanbase but the media, if you got the washington post take a look at the sports section or go to washingtonpost.com and look there.My point is why does after every loss the wash post has 3,4 or 5 pages rubbing in our loss, but when we win,we're lucky to get 2 pages telling us what we did right and commending us on the victory.Mark my words when we run through the tit-ans this week check back at the post,i'll be willing to bet that we get some lame excuse like the Redskins got lucky or the redskins barely beat the injury laden tit-ans(even if the score is 42-6 Redskins:doh: )and we will get 1 1/2 pages on the game.I'm just stating what we knew for awhile about any media when the Skins are involved,but also letting fans know that we are all the Team has(the fans)we don't have our local/city media outlet to hype us up or make us look good to the nation before games on the news or in the papers(which is ****ed up and depressing because even the worst teams in the league have they're local media backing them,correct me if i'm wrong)I know it seems like i'm ranting, and that it's hard to cheer for our team when they play inconsistent football but we the fans are all this team has and we need to continue to support them even if we go 2-14,if that happens it won't be pretty and I won't be happy but i'll still be fan..

Skins for life!!...:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck


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Exactly. People (the fans) need to stop buting the Post, reading the Post, visiting the Post.com. If you have a subscription, call up and cancel it. It is a piece of crap rag anyway.
well thats the only paper my wife reads and she has the subscribtion, i just take out the sports section and ocasionally the metro section,i'm begining to really dislike the post ,you'd think that the redskins could count on their newspaper to at least cover up a lil bit of boo boos we made in a loss but they, freakin hype it up and rub the redskins into the ground with no mercy...
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Nobody realizes how mush people hate us. They think redskins football is a joke in this town. When we lose it gets made fun of but when we win, all the critics dissappear for some strange reason.
you live in the area so you know what we other homebred skins fans face all season long,if you're an out of state skins fan don't move to the d.c metro area,I hate to say it but we have the most fairweather fans in the league over here....
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