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This isn't a bashing thread. This isn't a spin thread. This is a reality check.

So we just lost a division game, on the road, to the defending division champs. What did you expect? They were coming off a bye, the defense has been underrated, they had the #2 offense coming in, and they always play us tough in the meadowlands. As it has been pointed out in several other threads, they beat us 36-0 in thier house last year and our season wasn't over then was it? Now i know the circumstances are different this year, that the loss hurts more than it did last year, but what did you expect?

Personally I was (insert cliche here) 'cautiously optimistic' coming into this week. I knew we were going to face a division winner from last year, in thier house where they always play us tough, as they come off of thier bye into a must win game. Even with all this against us, I still felt like if got a 7 point lead at any point we had a real shot, and if we were up by 10 we would be closing in on victory. None of that happened though. The crowd stayed in the game through all four quarters, we produced no turnovers, and thier D really stepped it up.

All that being said, I don't understand where some of the threads I've been reading are coming from. Ideas like "Gibbs must go," "everybody gets a pinkslip," "we were completley outcoached," I'm just not buying it. We got outplayed. They executed their gameplan better than we executed ours, 'nuff said, tough ****, game over. After all we have watched this team go through over the course of GibbsII, so many of you want to leave us for dead so quickly when things go wrong. How many of you will come out with me and say "Stay the course! Trust in Gibbs," and how many will really buy into "The sky is falling, run for cover!" I for one would like to be the first to say that I stand firmly on the side of the hometeam. I trust Gibbs, his plan is working. It's a long season folks, and there are ups and downs. Lets see how the members of this message board handle a little adversity.

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i agree. i felt the same way after the week 2 loss to the cowboys. we were going into their place coming off of a short week and theyre a good physical team, so a win would be very difficult (but not impossible). today kind of had the same feel.

that said, the way we lost was bad. we got dominated in pretty much every aspect of football, and there arent really any positives to come out of it.

back home to play the titans

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I'm never going to give up on the Skins...but it seemed like they gave up on me today.

Did it look to you like they we're giving it their all?

Didn't to me. I don't even want to hear what any of them have to say.

I need to be mad at them for a day or two and I'll be back before the next game cheering them on.

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I'm never going to give up on the Skins...but it seemed like they gave up on me today.

Did it look to you like they we're giving it their all?

Didn't to me. I don't even want to hear what any of them have to say.

I need to be mad at them for a day or two and I'll be back before the next game cheering them on.

Ditto that...they should have gone for it on that 4th and 1...trying the FG was a gutless call...and Hall, true to form, missed it badly. :doh:

The Redskins are a good team, but this week, THIS WEEK, they SUCKED!

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I'm never going to give up on the Skins...but it seemed like they gave up on me today.

Did it look to you like they we're giving it their all?

Didn't to me. I don't even want to hear what any of them have to say.

I need to be mad at them for a day or two and I'll be back before the next game cheering them on.

I agree, as Om said at the half the entire team looked a step slow. It looked to me like they never really got into the game, never laid it all on the line.

This is a spin check buddy......of course no one votes the sky is falling, but if you are not worried about the play of this team, then by all means keep on spinning baby.

I never said I wasn't worried about the performance today. I watched the game with my dad (not a 'Skins fan) and he could not understand why I poured so much emotion into a team that didn't show any emotion on the field. I am concerened by the lack of execution and emotion I saw today, and by no means am I giving this team a free pass or an excuse just because of who we played. I'm just reminding all of those who would need reminding, that we've been here before, and we WILL make it out on top again.

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