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Your Waiting List Number?

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I got a postcard the other day from the Skins wanting to know if I would like to liquidate all of my worldly assets and buy club seats for this season. Sadly, I'll decline.

Of interest is my "Waiting list number" for more economical seats. I have 54,783! I suppose it will be awhile. Anyone else get the same card?

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Wrong guy Om. I would buy club seats, but, I can't get the wife to sign off on the eight trips to Washington deal quite yet. But, she said if I really have to, maybe next year smile.gif.


Doom is in the box.

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My season tickets waiting number is zero. I have never put my name on the list and never will. Living in the area I can get to any home game I want to see. When playing at RFK I had several tricks to sneaking in to see games. While I haven't tried to sneak into FedEx Field I haven't had any trouble getting tickets to games I want to see.

Upon my death the wife knows to have my ashes spread on the field so I don't miss any home games in the afterlife.


<IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/joe_gibbs/joegibbs_images/driver_prof_joe.jpg" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/current_season/jgr_wc_18/jgr_wc_18_images/car/bobby_car_race.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://www.joegibbsracing.com/current_season/jgr_wc_20/jgr_wc_20_images/car/drive_pontiac_tony.gif" border=0>

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I got the same post card in the mail, but like Art, I live in the mid west and can't afford the seats and the airline mileage. I will be attending the Giants game on Oct. 28th though. My list # is 43,659.


Randy Redskin

Fan for Life

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We come to Washington every year for a game, and last year at the Bucs game we decided to sign up for the list just for $hits and giggles. Of, course we figured the number would be so high it wont matter for quite a long time. I f my number comes up and I still live out here, I will do everything in my power to get my tickets and be at every game I can. Hell, i even briefly considered the offer on the post card. My love for this team has gotten me into financial trouble before, and was even a large factor in ending my last relationship.rolleyes.gif But, like my signature at the bottom says...I will die a Redskin fan.


Randy Redskin

Fan for Life

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Just under $1,000 a year for a pair of the least expensive seats (upper deck, above row 10-- I think-- in the endzones.)

$1,100 a year for 2 seats, upper deck side lines. Parking is extra. Very extra.

I put my name on the list the day we drafted Art Monk. The Metro section of the Post had recently run an article about a guy who had just come off the list after a seven year wait.

20 years later, I got my tickets.

During the RFK years, ticket turnover averaged around 150 per year. But after they moved to The Jack/Redskins Stadium/FedEx Field, the turnover rate was close to 2,000.

I put in for an upgrade this year and hope to improve from my perch in the last row of ("Hey, move that blimp!") Section 450.

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Wow, I was wondering if I should have posted that same subject here too, BOW.

I got a card too, but tossed it, when I saw the suites available (know it was a little out of my league and the timing may not be good for me).

My number is in you range, so I thought, wow, just ten more years and I can see a game. Naaaa (thank God for EBAY!!!!) smile.gif

<FONT COLOR="Yellow">HTTR!!!</FONT c> injun.gif

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on June 15, 2001.]

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I'm on the waiting list 21,456. I also have two club seats in the corner of the endzone. I bought them the first year at FedEx and signed a 10 year lease. They run $1400 per seat per year plus parking. I don't think I would consider moving out of the club section anytime soon.

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