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Autotrader and buying a car


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Alright, so I'm buying a car here in the next couple weeks after a long delay. Problem is, I want to buy a car that costs double what I have right now which I could pay back by the end of January. My question is, do some of these sellers on autotrader such as an auto sales company make deals with you if you come in and offer to put a down payment down? Or do they ask for the money in full? Any help would be appreciated.

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alot of the cars on autotrader are from dealerships. Just find the car you want, call them to see if they still have it then go to the dealership. You can either finance the car through them or get financing elsewhere (credit union). Its the same thing as you going to your local Honda dealer and buying a car from them. These dealerships post there cars on Autotrader as a way to sell cars faster

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Some people on Autotrader are Dealerships, some are small used car lots, some are individuals.

I'd suggest getting financed ahead of time (Credit Union will give you the best rates if you qualify for membership at any, Local Banks and/or Capital One Auto Finance are pretty good), then with their approval amount (IE 5-10-15-20k), dealerships will often treat this as good as cash and let you take the car while they finalize the payment with the bank, individuals and smaller dealerships will require you to take the bill of sale to the bank yourself to get a check for the exact amount to the person/dealership.

Be weary buying online. We've bought two cars online, no problems with either, but we did our homework on the sellers, carfaxes, etc. So be diligent, do your homework, and you'll walk away with a nice ride :)

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