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The U Mentality???

Uno Boss

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There is alot of negativity towards it sometime but I think that whole mentality makes the Redskins the closest team in the league in my opinion.

I have seen some close units in the league.... but i dont think i have seen an entire team embrace each and really get along as much as the skins....

When one side of the ball is struggling they never point fingers.

Its almost like a college team. They work together and play together...and ive also seen as many as 15 of them out at one time in the parties and clubs around the city.

I think as time passes and in adverse situatons the whole "U" mentality has help make our team a close knit bunch....


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Very true i think it makes a good team, they are all very close and that leads to a great team Chem , they all feed of one another, the good thing is the dont point fingers( like you said) which is a good thing. They also seem to be players with great heart, and they love to HIT!!

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yeah makes us a better team

it makes teams focus on the team not stats

i see lloyd getting so happy when moss scores

david patten jumps off the bench

when portis scores first thing he does is shake hands with the o line

RB's like alexander does a td dance not thanking the guards and tackles

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It is not the U Mentality - it is the Gibb's Mentality.


Its not the Gibbs mentality Because he has had teams that didnt have a college like atmosphere...and had me first players on the team...John Riggins being one of them...

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Its not the Gibbs mentality Because he has had teams that didnt have a college like atmosphere...and had me first players on the team...John Riggins being one of them...

Beg to differ there. While Riggins was a maverick, he was a Gibbs player. Always thanked the offensive line, handed the ball to the ref after TDs, etc. If you listen to all the ex-players, they'll tell you Gibbs had(has) a way of making everyone think about the team first. The reason Coles is gone is because he was a me first type.

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