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Who was really calling the plays?


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I looked around for a post like this but didn't find anything so please stone me to death if this is posted somewhere else...

I was watching a lot of post game reporting last night and I remember something that Clinton Portis said during an interview that struck me as odd.

He said that Gibbs made a good call refering to the shovel pass in the 1st Quarter.

Is it possible that Clinton is just use to Gibbs calling the plays or did Gibbs really call that play? I'm confused man! Is Saunders still in control? Maybe this is simply a slip of the tongue and I shouldn't even be making a stink of it.

Or Maybe Gibbs did change the play and call the shovel pass?

I also found this reading an article on ESPN:

"I said, 'Hey, tell him,'" Redskins coach Joe Gibbs said. "I'd hate to have him do something like trying to lob one downfield, and [assistant coach] Al [saunders] did a good job getting a safe call there."

What do you think?

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