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Observations from Club Level (1st FedEx game)


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My first game to FedExField, mainly because I lived in Atlanta for 13 years and just recently back to Virginia, and I have to watch this painful display of a game.

My observation: Defense

1) The defense has a swagger it has not earned. In fact, it's had it all preseason.... as team after team has moved the ball on them and caught them out of position. THIS IS NOT THE DEFENSE OF LAST YEAR. The new pieces are not enhancing our defense as of yet due to their inexperience in the new system. A comfort level has not been established.

2) The defense is MUCH MORE vulnerable without Springs. His ability to cover the opposing offense's #1 is missing from the current alignment. We barely blitzed Johnson because of our fear he would find the open zone.... which he has done his whole career.

3) Special Teams units have not gelled as of yet. They are over pursuing and running out of their coverage lanes. Turnover on this unit is easily apparent.

4) I vomit in my mouth when I see all the dancing, jiving, posing of the individual defensive players who have allowed countless big plays against them. It's a unit of individuals who have forgotten they play their best as a unit. Perpetrators: Washington, Taylor, Marshall, Saleveaa, and Evans. Stop jumping around and drawing attention to yourselves and make a damn tackle.

My observations: Offense

1) Run blocking hasn't gelled.... one great run is followed by two missed blocks and a lunge at the second level. Only time will cure this.

2) Pass protection is much more solid... but Brunell must do a better job of throwing with timing and rhythm and trusting his receivers. Only time and reps will cure this.

3) Scheme and Sequence were pleasant suprises and is an exciting harbinger of things to come. It's apparent their is a rhyme and reason behind what the offense is doing... it's just going to take time for the execution to catch up with the play calling.

My Observation: FED EX FIELD

Wow.... great crowd. LOUD..LOUD...LOUD on important defensive plays. Unfortunately, the defense didn't feed off of it.

My seats....see pictures... club level.... Row 4... 50 yard line. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Facilities.... rather generic and uniform to other stadiums. Lack of Redskin culture or tradition. This is definitely not RFK. Restrooms in Club level lack TVs to catch the action while you're standing in line for a urinal. Huh???? WTF.... I have to squint and direct my ear to hear Sonny, Sam, and Larry blather on about something stupid? UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!

That is all.....


Vikings 1st Drive LOS


Big American Flag Unfurling....


Patriotic Fans w/ small American Flags proudly waving.....

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My observations from club level? It was a damn close game and both teams looked about even. If we traded just one of our field goals for a TD or if Randel El had been one yard closer, none of these complaint threads would exist.

Then again, we WON our opener last year and people were still predicting doom.:doh:

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I agree with a lot of your points, however, trust me, that was not loud. It was borderline embarrasingly quiet at times (considering how loud it CAN be and has been in the past).

Glad you made it up for a game. Wish it could've been a win for you. You'll be back I'm betting :) Much more enjoyable with a win obviously :cheers:

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I too went to my first Regular Season skins game. It was loud but I felt like duriing the Dallas game last year it was louder, and that was on TV. I think when Clinton scored everyone woke up for a bit, but after the defense gave up first down after first down it was hard to get back into it.

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I agree with a lot of your points, however, trust me, that was not loud. It was borderline embarrasingly quiet at times (considering how loud it CAN be and has been in the past).

I completely agree, and what was worse was it was loud on offense too. Brunell had to try to quite the fans at times. Nothing pisses me off more than screaming my voice out all game long on defense while people arround me sit on thier butts, and when we get on offense they feel the need to scream.

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4) I vomit in my mouth when I see all the dancing, jiving, posing of the individual defensive players who have allowed countless big plays against them. It's a unit of individuals who have forgotten they play their best as a unit. Perpetrators: Washington, Taylor, Marshall, Saleveaa, and Evans. Stop jumping around and drawing attention to yourselves and make a damn tackle.

I totally agree with this is. It showed up on TV also!

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