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Good game guys..


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I wanted to say good game, I was pretty shocked that we won, I honestly thought the Vikings would get blown out since everything is against the Vikings coming into the game but I am proud of the Vikings, they were competive and went into the toughest stadium and won. I do feel really bad for Gibbs for having his undeafeated streak against the Vikings broken but 9-1 record against the Vikings is impressive no matter what. The Redskins organization and players shouldn't be ashamed of themselves, they played a awesome game against the Vikings and could have gone either way. I was very suprised that Clinton wasn't used much and if he was used properly, who knows, it could be a different outcome, another thing I was suprised about is that why didn't the Redskins go for it on 4th and 1 at the end of game? It might be a bad decision for them to do it but they would have a chance to get closer to the endzone and make the field goal easier for Hall if they made the 4th down. I have to give props to some of the Redskins fans' for saying that the Vikings' game isn't going to be easy, props to them! I hope your injuried players heal quickly and get back on the field as soon as possible. I am looking forward to posting again if the Vikings and Redskins is in the rematch in the playoffs, this is a great board with AWESOME fans! I wish the Redskins the best of luck for the rest of the season! :cheers:

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Quit making escuses, folks. The Redskins were beat in every phase of the game. EVERY PHASE OF THE GAME.

They really stunk the joint up, considering the competition.

And guess what? The preseason was precursor after all!

Guess the other 98% of the playbook looks a bit like the first 2%.

Maybe Saunders is really like that mad guy in the Shining: all of the pages after the first 2% are the same!

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