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Show your patriotism on MNF

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Great post. We shouldn't have to tell each other how significant this day is. I hope that everyone feels a sense of mourning and celebration with regard to those lost on this day 5 years ago. Let us all come together and cheer this great country and remember those who are no longer with us. I know that everyone will celebrate in rememberance in their own way. We're the most classy and patriotic fans in the world. God Bless America, our team, and my fellow ES pals.


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sorry if this has been posted, but i just saw on sportscenter that in addition to the flyover by the Air Force, 90,000 american flags will be delivered to Fedex for todays game. For those of you that will be at that game, wave those flags high and show that we will never forget.
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I will say this....I'm going to me terribly angry if I see some of those American Flags on the ground. You know how free things are, and how drunk fools really don't care sometimes. Win or lose we should always be thankful for the freedom that we have to enjoy life, the Skins, and many of the opportunities we have in the US. People had better not disrespect the flag, with 90,000 strong someone is bound to mess it up but lets not make it a dumpster at the end of the game. I'm definitely keeping mine and will display it proudly at home with my Skins gear.

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