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- Darrell Green is from another planet. We need to send a scout there. Just Not Danny.

- Amazing what a little pass rush can do. More blitzing in this game than the rest put together. Helps to go agaisnt a rook, though. My guess is, if Caroline has a Beuerline or established QB back there, we're down at least 17 by now.

- Anyone else holding their breath every time Davis hits the line now?

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- Most self-destructive O I have ever seen. Every time they get something going, someone drops th ball or commits a 15-yard brain fart. EVERY time.

- Almost hate to jinx it, but could it be that Rod G. has finally remembered what those things hanging from the ends of his arms are for?

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Watching Carolina convert a 3rd adn 8 with a 30 yard pass to an uncovered man, and apparently on their way to putting the game out of reach (as if 7 points wasn't insurmountable against us at this point), I'm about as close to turning off a Redskins game as I have been in the 31 years I've been watching them.

Getting used to incompetence over the last decade hasn't helped. Rather than dull the pain or make me numb, it's just eating away at my guts. I guess this has become my weekly penance for all that is good in my life. rolleyes.gif

Look what they've done to my team, ma. Look what they've done to my team.

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Thanks for the thought, TCO. Unfortunately, chanting that is what's kept me sane this far, and trying to defend the proposition that we have to ride this out, that better days are ahead.

I still believe that, but I'm starting to doubt if it's going to be soon enough to keep the rest of my hair from falling out.

Oops. Just checked my comb. Too late.

[edited.gif by Om on October 21, 2001.]

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I didn't think it was possible for an offense to be this bad. I still don't know that it had truly registered with me yet. We could break all sorts of humiliating records. We may very well have less than 5 touchdowns all year. We are so bad, we can't even get field goals...

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I was going to make some smart-*** comment how we probably won't even see the ball again, but since the D is done for the day and Carolina is moving at will now, we might get it back right quick.

Love to see Sage, but I don't think we'll like what we DO see. The wheels c -----


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What's killing me is that, if we had any SEMBLANCE of an NFL offense, we might well have beaten NY, we definitely would have beaten Dallas, and we would likely have taken this one fairly easily. That's 3 and 3. Instead, we're looking at 0-6 and a sinking ship.

Maybe I'm naive, but just seems to me we're just one of three phases from being at least a tough out for people.

Teams are okay.

The defense is playing their guts out without a D line.

The offense, meanwhile ... is so bad it essentially negates everything else.

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