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Will Lavar really knock out Mcnabb?


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Or will Mcnabb break LaVar's ankles????

I just want to ask why all of a sudden u guys are Super Bowl contenders agian...A few fans from one of the other boards argue that the Skins have beat the Broncos and the Giants....Who hasn;t lately????

Anybody wanna talk real football and not Smack? Cause smack is all I have been reading from ur fellow fans

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I think Lavar is a great up and coming linebacker, and has shown a lot of ability, but so has most of the other LBs who have supposedly been spying on McNabb. I don't think Lavar can contain McNabb, only McNabb holding on to the ball and refusing to run can stop McNabb. If Duce can get going against this defense, running and going out for passes which will take out the LBs pursuit and spying on McNabb, and we can get Chad Lewis back into the flow of things, mcNabb won't have to worry about Lavar. But Lavar is a good one, I don't think he is on the level of Trotter, but he is looking like a promising LB. They can put on all the tape they want, I think McNabb will break thei ankles as he always does. I hope that the WRs and McNabb have a good day, so that McNabb won't have to run as much.

BTW, the posters on here are perfect, they always talk about nothing but football, and never talk trash.

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You're a guest on our board. Maybe you should try reading a few of the threads before you drop this crap on us. There is plenty of good football-talk going on here.

Strange I didn't see much of it in your post considering that is what you are asking for?

If you have something meaningful to say, SAY IT. You'll get a good conversation. But act like an arsehole, and you'll get smacked down.

You're choice.

[edited.gif by Blade on November 24, 2001.]

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Ya know, Ive heard about LaVar this, Lavar that and its kind of getting old with me. Was he the pro-bowl selection for last year? No. Know who was? Somebody who plays for the Eagles. Your tellin McNabb to beware of LaVar? Fine. You tell Banks or Graham or whomever you call your quarterback this week to look out for Jerimiah, cause he is also on a tear and just may put the hurt on your qb or your Steven Davis, either one will bring an applause from me and my Eagle fans. We love good players.

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As Lavar has a high ankle sprain that is very painful for him, it's thoroughly possible McNabb could do further damage. Lavar is a special athlete though, as McNabb is, and it would be a matchup worth watching. I have not seen any person on this message board talking about the Redskins being Super Bowl contenders again.

In fact, there hasn't been much talk of even the playoffs on this board, as many of us tend to see this game as important to such a revival, and even those who believe we could survive a loss in this game, aren't really ready to venture that far into the realm of hope. So, did you dream the content of this post, or do you just make things up on the fly?

And, NBTD, you have an interesting change of pace here. You say here what you think of Lavar. I'm shocked. I thought you thought THIS of Lavar, "You'll see this weekend, that not only is Lavar overrated, but that he won't be able to even find McNabb, let alone slow him down." But, what you REALLY meant was "Lavar is a great up and coming linebacker, and has shown a lot of ability" and, "But Lavar is a good one, I don't think he is on the level of Trotter, but he is looking like a promising LB."

Is that it? I shouldn't pay attention to what you say until you've had time to see other fans of your team admit the obvious so that you may then do the same? Is that it? If so, Simon, please post something else for NBTD to parrot.


Doom is in the box.

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Last season Lavar was predominantly used to cover the TE and RBs. This is only Lavar's second season, and its his first where he is being used in a scheme that allows him to make more plays in space.

With that said, he has been doing just that. Lavar hits harder than any Redskin I've seen in the last decade... maybe even last 3 decades. He is truly a beast. He is not a malicious player like some Eagles players of the past... so the chance that he will knock McNabb out of the game is low. However, he WILL lay the wood on him given the chance... and if he does it will make McNabb think twice about coming his way.

(If this is getting 'old' for you Lou... go somewhere else. Surely there is an Eagle board where you can post your "ra-ra, eagles" crap, and feel loved. But no one here gives a crap if you are getting tired of hearing about Lavar.)

Regarding being a Super Bowl contender... the Skins are only 2 games out of 1st... and with a win in Philly, it WOULD make them serious contenders for the NFC East crown, and make them one of the most amazing 'turn around' stories in the NFL. Answer your question, Simon?

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Let me explain it to you Art very slowly again, "You'll see this weekend, that not only is Lavar overrated, but that he won't be able to even find McNabb, let alone slow him down." I do think he is overrated at this time. And as I said he won't be able to find McNabb let alone slow him down."Lavar is a great up and coming linebacker, and has shown a lot of ability" and, "But Lavar is a good one, I don't think he is on the level of Trotter, but he is looking like a promising LB." So together the 2 comments are saying that, 1)Yes Lavar is a good one, and has shown alot of ability, BUT he is not on the level of Trotter. Also in these 2 statements I'm saying he HAS alot of promise, and is UP & COMING, which means he's not at his potential YET, but will be some day. You forgot to realize that I said this in this post too, "I don't think Lavar can contain McNabb, only McNabb holding on to the ball and refusing to run can stop McNabb."

If you don't think someone who is young can be overrated, but still have potential to be a great not just good player someday, then you haven't watched sports lately. You see, every player who comes out of college, especially first rounders get a lot of hype and praise put on them before thay prove themselves, and my 2 comments were saying that exact thing, he has promise, and IS good, and may be great someday, but as of right now, HE CAN"T CARRY McNABB'S JOCK, let alone the fact that he'll lose his on Sunday. Once again Art, your self righteous all knowing attitude has blinded you from actually reading, thinking, and understanding before you judge and think it through.

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I wrote:

Does this answer your question, Simon?

To which you reply:

Originally posted by simon_douglas_9053:

No, becasue a ltoe of ur season depends on beating us this week and that is one hell of an IF

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and translate your garble to mean "alot of your season". Yet to make such a statement directly shows you understand EXACTLY why the Redskin fans would be talking about the post-season. Of course, all Redskin fans believe we have a good chance of winning this game for the various reasons talked about the past several days.

So, to answer "no' to my question means that either you're stupid, or you're just being b!tchy.

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Now now Blade, you're setting a bad example for us new comers, I thought there was to be only football talk and no trash talking on people, just on football.

So, to answer "no' to my question means that either you're stupid, or you're just being b!tchy.


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Yeah, I type fast, so what? i made a typo....real mature to point that out.....I'm impressed now....and look, u even called me names!!!! but ur right....i did kind of contridict myself there......I still just can't understand why people are so high on the Redskins all of a sudden.....


There is no I in team, but there is an M-E

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NBTD, let's try to break this down for you and see how it goes. I've said here many times that I feel McNabb is the best young QB in the game. Now, I'm going to tell you that despite that belief, I also feel he's overrated. I feel this because he's a great up and coming linebacker and has shown a lot of ability, while also being a good one who is a promising player.

See, this is called a circular argument. See how I've intermixed my thoughts with yours and see how they don't fit? You can't believe a player is good, and yet overrated. In fact, these are mutually exclusive beliefs. I know you want only admit to what you read from other Eagle fans, so, as soon as you read that you can't think someone is both a great up and coming player and at the same time overrated. You see, I know you don't know what the word overrated means, and you've merely seen it elsewhere, but, it means to overestimate the merits of.

And here, you admit readily yourself that Arrington is a great up and coming player with outstanding promise. By your own definition of what Arrington is, the ONLY way to overrate him is to say he's a super star of unequalled performance and ability who has no competition as the greatest player to ever play. While that's a slight overstatement on my part, and you could slightly diminish what could be said to overrate Arrington given your base line for rating him in the first place, the fact is, you really shouldn't carry on a conversation in which you don't believe in anything you haven't seen someone else post first.


Doom is in the box.

[edited.gif by Art on November 24, 2001.]

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By Blade

Regarding being a Super Bowl contender... the Skins are only 2 games out of 1st... and with a win in Philly, it WOULD make them serious contenders for the NFC East crown, and make them one of the most amazing 'turn around' stories in the NFL. Answer your question, Simon?

What? Are you kidding me? Art please pick your partner off the floor. He fell off his soap box and thinks it's 1991. Blade besides the pic, that has to be the funniest thing I seen from you since I had the pleasure of gracing this Redskin MB.

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Originally posted by NBTD:

I thought there was to be only football talk and no trash talking on people, just on football.

NBTD, which part of the following is too hard for you to understand?

Originally posted by Blade:

If you have something meaningful to say, SAY IT. You'll get a good conversation. But act like an arsehole, and you'll get smacked down. You're choice.

If an opposing fan is being stupid and/or b!tchy, they WILL get called out on it here. If you don't like getting burned, dont be a flamer.

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Originally posted by Eagletistic:

What? Are you kidding me? Art please pick your partner off the floor. He fell off his soap box and thinks it's 1991. Blade besides the pic, that has to be the funniest thing I seen from you since I had the pleasure of gracing this Redskin MB.

Eagletistic, the flow of logic in my statement was not too difficult for your friend Simon to understand. He contradicted himself, either out of stupidity or rudeness, and I called him out on it. If you prefer to laugh rather than comprehend, go for it.

But understand that what you're really laughing at is your own ignorance.

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Originally posted by simon_douglas_9053:

Yeah, I type fast, so what? i made a typo....real mature to point that out.....I'm impressed now....and look, u even called me names!!!!

Good for you you type fast. But at least have the courtesy to READ what you type and EDIT your mistakes. If you want an intelligent response, you shouldn't make yourself look any more ignorant than you already do.

Originally posted by simon_douglas_9053:

but ur right....i did kind of contridict myself there......I still just can't understand why people are so high on the Redskins all of a sudden.....

If you can see your contradiction, then why can't you see WHY we are so high on our team after 4 straight wins over teams that no one thought we should beat? NFL.com gives the stats matchup over the last 5 games HERE. The Skins are better than the Eagles in almost every category over the last 5 games. All good reasons to be optimistic.

So, if you really cant see the reason for our optimism, forgive me if I call you 'stupid'; face-to-face I am never rude to the 'mentally challenged'.

[edited.gif by Blade on November 24, 2001.]

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I hope so Nonebetta....I hear what some of the Skins fans have been saying.....that really pisses me off!

Oh really man, eff off. Call this trash if you like, but it isn't. The fact of the matter is that the Eagles "fans" who have come to the board this week are nothing more than pathetic. It's just non-stop spam, with random attempts at pretending there's sentient thought behind it. Pisses you off? Like you have that right? You're just the worst among a stream of people who happen by each week, who shows arrogance exceeded only by ignorance, and attaches his own emotional well being to his team, as if it is directly related to ones own self worth, wielding it as if its a phallus! Jesus man, like I said, eff off and go away. Run back to your silly little smack talk boards.

I'm sure after getting over your embarrassment reading this post, you'll try to come up with some snappy rejoinder, but don't bother. Just stumble off drunkenly into your favorite alley, not to return.

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NBTD - I have a football question for you. How many complete Redskin games have you watched this season? My reason for asking is your statement earlier in this thread that Lavar is overrated ("I do think he is overrated at this time.").

If you have watched him this season I can't imagine you feeling that way. He has played like a beast ... jarring hits, causing and/or recovering turnovers, much improved all-around play AND he has become the team leader on defense. And this is just the mid-point of is 2nd season! Considering the difficulties of the EARLY part of his first season I haven't heard much talk of him being "the next LT" but rather people waiting for him to come into his own ... which he is doing quite nicely.

So, again, what is the basis for your feeling that he is overrated at this time?

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Brave, don't trap No Brains, Talks Drivel. He thinks Lavar is overrated, but, he estimates Lavar as a great up and coming player with immense skills. Please, don't ask him to explain how he can say one thing but say another and still not have any clue as to what either statement means.


Doom is in the box.

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By Blade

Eagletistic, the flow of logic in my statement was not too difficult for your friend Simon to understand. He contradicted himself, either out of stupidity or rudeness, and I called him out on it. If you prefer to laugh rather than comprehend, go for it.

I'm going to hold you up on that quote. You see it's ok to be a homer, I do it from time to time. I stated on this MB that I thought realistically the Eagles are not ready for the show. Sure if the Eagles catch some breaks and stay healthy anything is possible. As far as the Redskins taken the East and making the playoff's without a doubt it will not happen. Yes the defense is much improved and the offense has started to produce. The big factor is chemistry. I don't think with the QB problems and a new coach this year the Redskins can overcome and become a playoff team. Sure if this and if that maybe. But let me give you some advise from a fan that has done that for years while the Giants,Redskins and Cowboys won. It is not good for your health. And it takes its toll on the remote.

At least your optimistic.

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