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Esquire Article on CP - Words can't do it justice


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I think a lot of people are disappointed to read these articles because it turns out that the guy is kind of what you expect.

He's no Stringer Bell (from the Wire) with hardbound copies of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and other great works in his elegant and palatial apartment.

He's not an enigma, he may be different than his friends but every group has 'that guy.' I'm 'that guy' too sans millions of dollars.

I'm not a huge fan of clubs but dozens of women lining up would be difficult to resist too. So an occasional outing might be in order :D

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Are you kidding. The fact that he drinks Corona is all the more reason to love him. :cheers: I would throw one back with him any time. ;) Corona is the best beer, besides Rolling Rock of course. ;)

Oh you know you would even drink Mad Dog 20/20 with CP if he asked you to.


The Redskins are, always have been and always will be my favorite team, but this article cinches it for me that Gilbert Arenas is my favorite player. Contrast this article with reading any of the articles about Arenas basically adopting a kid who lost his family to a fire; about Arenas buying cars and paying medical bills for random unsuspecting people that he heard about having troubles and finally breaking in to the Wizards gym at 3:00 a.m. to work on his game. There just isn't a character comparison.

I'm tied on both - I don't need my athletes to be choir boys and CP does plenty of charity. He probably works harder than any other RB I've heard in the NFL too.

Anyway, did you see the Hoops Life video on Gil playing streetball down in Barry Farms? Warhead36 posted it in the Washington Baskteball forum. If you love gilbert now you will worship him after seeing that video.

Here is the post: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=163701

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A good, "Day in the Life" article, giving you the sense, the feel, the atmosphere of a young, male, rich, black (oops, is it now Afro-American?, whatever the "in" term is) athlete. Thanks for the great post and link.

I agree with the other poster: I lost all respect when I learned he drank Corona. No taste, no flavor, no aroma carbonetd alcohol/water. OTOH if he wants to hang out with a 58 year old white guy, I will serve him some great homebrew. I will have to play Grateful Dead instead on gangsta-rap. But he will have great beer: made by hand with loving care. He will have taste, aroma of hops and malt, and will taste great. I have converted lots of BudMillCoors drinkers in the parking lot while tailgating at FedEx. Give them REAL beer, and they throw away the industrial piss/sh*t!

And if he prefers champagne, I will serve him some great brut champagne. I prefer Iron Horse, but Peiper Heideseck is more within my price range.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the fact that he drinks Corona because it shows restraint. Plus, Corona with lime is just very casual. It sends a message that "it's all good, ain't nuthin' to break a sweat over". He still has the Champagne around to celebrate life but Corona keeps him away from the hard stuff. That makes me feel a little better.

Although not a lot in this article surprises me, all I really care about is that he doesn't "cross the line" with the lifestyle.

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