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Want Authentic Helmet


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so can people tell a big deal between a authentic and a replica helmet if its on display. Whats the differences thanks. Im trying to decide between the two, there is a huge cost diff, thanks for your help.

The authentics you can strap on and play real football with.

The replicas have foam/egg padding inside and would crack if you head butted a wall.

I showed up to my fantasy draft one year with my DG jersey and Redskin helmet on and they thought I was a nutt...I kept it on the whole time...I won the league that year!

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I've got an Authentic Throwback spear helmet and I have to remove the side and front padding for it to fit my big knothead. They only come in one size (7-7 1/2), but that's a stretch.

The Authentics have much better quality decals, I believe, and a nice urethane finish, while the Replicas have a plain plastic finish. Plus, I'm not sure if the Replicas have the metallic finish like the ones the players wear now. The Authentics do. I think the metallic finish looks much better.

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I've got an Authentic Throwback spear helmet and I have to remove the side and front padding for it to fit my big knothead. They only come in one size (7-7 1/2), but that's a stretch.

The Authentics have much better quality decals, I believe, and a nice urethane finish, while the Replicas have a plain plastic finish. Plus, I'm not sure if the Replicas have the metallic finish like the ones the players wear now. The Authentics do. I think the metallic finish looks much better.

thanks, i guess i will dish out the extra for the authentic helmet. thanks

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