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Gregg Williams


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from the Redskins blog.....

Gregg Williams is in mid-season form. After special teams work, the offense and defense shifted to separate fields. The first task for his charges? Up-downs. 40 of them in all. After the last rep, Williams shouted out, "And that's 40. Welcome back." Then, after issuing instructions, players walked toward their position coach. Williams barked, "We don't walk here. We don't walk here." Players broke into a jog.

Man I would love to play for this guy...I so hope he becomes the next head coach...the fire he has for the game is great! No wonder the guys love him...he absolutly insane and intense!:notworthy :logo:

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Williams wants guys that don't come into camp to get into shape - they already come ready to go.

Look at the offseason acquisitions on defense including Andre Carter and Adam Archuleta...........these guys are poster boys for being in shape and not needing coaches to motivate them to show up ready to play :D

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I know I've heard this before......hmmmm....where was it......Oh yeah....Buffalo.

Not even a Cowgirlz fan could try and compare the Bill and the SKins organizations...oh wait...nevermind....:doh:

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We were there and I watched the D do the up-downs. God, it was brutally hot and we were just standing still watching. Can't imagine what it felt like for the "D" to run through that drill. Once the O and the D split up, Williams and the D were totally on their own on another field. Gibbs stayed on the main field with the offense. It's obvious he has complete faith in Williams to run the D on his own.

Funny image - Danny boy was in a golf cart in a long sleeved dress shirt with a tie. A bit much considering it was near 100 degrees on the field. Couldn't he at least have worn a golf shirt? I don't think I've seen him in anything but a dress shirt and tie, no matter the weather.

Fans near us were psyched watching the "O". One thing that surprised me was how big (tall) both Campbell and Collins are in comparison to Brunell.

Bugel was right in the middle of the action when the team ran some offensive plays.

We stayed about 1-1/2 hours because it was so hot. Warning to anyone else going to camp this week - bring lots of water or Gatorade. You will need it.

Also, we were able to move pretty close to the fence even though it was already filled when we arrived. People come and go quite a bit, so if you're patient, you can make your way to the front.

And so it begins . . . .

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