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New Marky Mark/Philthy Iggles Movie: Who'll Bother To See It?

TD Riggo

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Tonight while at the motion picture show (first time at a motion picture theater in over a year .. prolly my last in about nine years! Damn people talking on cell phones, babies in the theater, people talking out loud, .. dadgum cretins! But I digress..) there was a preview for a new movie with Marky Mark where he apparently plays a former no-name Philthy Iggle (apparently a true story about some walk-on former Philthy Iggle). It actually looked like a decent action/football movie, but I was thinking during the preview that it would be impossible to watch a movie about the Philthy Buzzards without wretching every thrity-seven seconds!

Will anyone go see it, or does everyone have the same feelings I do?

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there was a thread on this like couple days ago

Well, that's great. I did a search using "Wahlberg" but found nothing. Sue me!

Besides, I never liked Wahlberg. 'Always thought of him as one of those idiot punks who wears his trousers 9 inches below his plaid bloomers.

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