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It's All In The Technique


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As many of us have already observed, we have put together one of the best coaching staffs in the league. They work very hard with players teaching them the correct techiniques and little things that allow for even the inferior players the ability to go against the more elite. With the type of preparation we have from our coaches, I would not be surprised to see our offense operate very efficiently.

One of the most amazing things (IMO) about last year was the play action boot leg to the left we would run to Cooley or Sellars. By the end of the season, almost every person in the stadium would be able to tell you what play we would run once we were in the red zone. Yet still, the play was absolutely successful, many times to my surprise. This is the type of execution and technique that our coaching staff has instilled in our players.

A lot of people believe that we won't be an explosive offense. Actually I agree. Until we build complete trust and chemistry with the new pieces we have in place, we will be an EFFICIENT offense. The coaching staff will make sure that our technique and execution is on point until we develop that chemistry. I believe with the strong mix of talent, experience, and a well thought out plan, the sky is the limit for this group.

Any plays or things from the past year amaze you simply because of the execution?

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Good point on the bootleg TD pass.

This is a staple of a Gibbs team. Back in the glory years, teams knew we would be running 40 and 50 gut and we did it successfully anyway. If you execute and everyone does their job correctly, the defense can know your play and you can still complete it successfully. It's all about the 11 people on your side of the ball doing the right thing and beating the man in front of them.

Great point!

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The actual "unstoppable" play late last season was a goalline playaction where Sellers shot into the left flat and portis took on the blocking. The MLB was always stepping up for the run action and could never make it to the flats in time.

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Yeah since Bugel and the rest of the coaching staff got here, the lines hand technique has really improved. Also, there are a lot fewer penalties. I remember all the frustration that would come from those penalties. I know we use refs at practices, is this a common thing around the league now, or are we one of the only teams that does that?

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