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NBA Finals - Mavericks AT Heat, Game 4 - Discussion Thread


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After holding serve in game 3 Miami needs to win tonight or all their labor will have been for naught.

As much as I've been reading about how the real Miami showed up on Tuesday, I really can't help but wonder why people think Miami will make this a series if that's the case. Miami got their ass kicked for 40 of 48 minutes. The only one who showed up was Dwayne Wade when he heard the Brooms. :laugh:

The keys for Miami:

Shaq must step up - I know. Supposedly he was back in game 3 :rolleyes: . To me, he was merely pedestrian, a shell of his former self. Sadly, that may be the only Shaq that's left, and a tribue to his greatness it is that a performance in the finals such as he gave is considered woefully underpar. Mark my words, Shaq must have atleast ONE game in Miami where he turns back the wheels of time in order for the Heat to see Dallas.

Slow the game down - It is not coincidence or chance that in both games where Miami chipped into significant Dallas leads the pace was slowed down. This is mainly because Dallas was playing timidly, but also Miami has been playing low IQ ball that feeds into Dallas gameplan when Dallas WANTS to run. A slowed down game benefits only the Heat. That does not mean they don't run when opportunity is there, but they must limit the transition game for Dallas or the finals will end on Miami's homecourt.

Which leads to...

Lock up the shot chuckers - Every time Dallas goes on a run, it can be traced to one thing. Poor offensive decision making and bad offensive shot selection. If Antoine Walker, James Posey, Gary Payton and Jason Williams can't get it into their head that Shaq and Wade should have the offense running through them and they should ATTACK instead of settling when the ball comes their way, then they aren't going to be playing much longer.

Keys for Dallas:

Run Run Run - It's simple. Miami can not run with Dallas. The Mavericks are too deep, too young, and too lethal. Other than Shaq and Wade, they outperform Miami at every other skill position. Their bench is VASTLY superior to Miami, in the middle of the 4th QTR last night, Dallas had 20-something bench points to Miami's 2. With reasons like these, there is no reason for Dallas to slow down the game in the 4th with a large lead. Keep running, Miami will get tired and Dallas will be victorious.

Find the real Nowitzki - I know Haslem has been playing good defense, but the Dirk we're seeing is a regression of the post Avery Dirk. He's taking bad shots, fadeaways that leave him off balance and come up short of the rim. He's letting the physical play of Miami get to him when it's really simple. Nobody can guard him. When he realizes this, his confidence will return. If he doesn't realize this, he is in danger of being the sole reason this series could go back to Dallas with Dallas DOWN 3-2. Go straight up and stop fading away, and attack the basket.

These in my opinion are the main keys to tonights game. Any thoughts?

Here's to a great series. In my opinion the level of play has been dissapointingly subpar. :cheers:

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i started the exact same thread a few mintues ago

My title's better and my thought's are much more indepth. :mad:

Just kidding. I didn't see it in the midst of all the homo/hetero/masturbation/promisciuity threads. :rolleyes:

If a Mod could merge...

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