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Global Warming revisited


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The standard is not necesarrily specific. I look at Kyoto with economic eyes. Is it worth the tremendous amount of money being dumped into it? Could those literally billions of dollars be spent for alternative fuels and research instead? Or how about using to fight global AIDS instead?

If you really want to read a good article, go here: http://www.junkscience.com/MSU_Temps/Kyoto_Count_Up.htm

I know you'll try to debunk it but hey, what the heck..:)

This site offers a nice countdown, but little in terms of analysis... also note that it estimates "cost to the world" of Kyoto at under $200 billion... Katrina alone is estimated to cost at least $200 billion (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9281409/)... Natural disasters are VERY costly... (should I use the word "natural"? what word will we use 10 years from now? ;) )

I am very eager to see the world spend it's resources on coming up with clean and sustainable energy sources, fighting hunger, AIDS, etc. I do not see why this has to be a matter of "instead."

Unfortunately there will be no people saying "DOH" and people saying "TOLD YOU" when it gets worse. There will only be people saying "OH ****!!!"

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Lay plans for the accomplishment of the difficult before it becomes difficult;

Make something big by starting with it when small.

Difficult things in the world must have their beginnings in the easy;

Big things must have their beginnings in the small.

Tao Te Ching 63

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The world will cool off and we will not be able to stop that either...

The Moon will move farther and farther away and we will die.........

The Sun will expand and consume this planet, and again we can not alter that.

An Asteroid/Comet WILL hit this planet and cause a catastrophe..

Yellowstone park May super erupt as it always does and remove 3/4's of the United States and kill 1/3 of the Worlds population.

Lawn mowers WILL injure 70k+ this year....

We should STRIVE to do better as we are, but lets not fret about something that WILL change.. after an 18k warming trend we are heading for an Ice Age starting.....................







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Oversimplifying is what people do in order to preserve their ignorance. It is a self-defense mechanism. It gives a peace of mind in an uncertain world. It reduces anxiety.

It's really too bad that you are moving on. Perhaps you know something about Dr. Tim Ball that I yet do not know? As I said, I will post my findings here after looking into it. Some of us do not have the luxury of self-imposed ignorance. Some of us are actually interested in figuring out what's going on.

If you are truly interested in what’s going on then you might also do a little research into the groups funding the studies that support the global warming hysteria. I doubt you will and even if you do you won’t dismiss the findings outright like you do those that dispute your position. I guess that self-defense mechanism is indeed pretty strong and constantly fretting alleviates the boredom. It most likely hasn’t led you to turn off the computer, buy a wood burning stove (filtered stack, of course), sell your car, abandon all use of petroleum products including plastics, install solar panels or possibly a windmill in your backyard, etc., etc.

Do you honestly believe sourcewatch is an unbiased? I see your left-wing site and raise you an equally biased right-wing one…


…and around and around we can go.

Honest scientists are working hard trying to figure this out. Assuming that the environmentalist are wrong on this issue - "end of story" - is as foolish as assuming that they are right - "end of story."

The truth or lack of truth behind global claimate change has become an article of faith for both sides based on prior political views and associations, and that is not a good thing.

This pretty much sums up the current global warming debate.

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The world will cool off and we will not be able to stop that either...

The Moon will move farther and farther away and we will die.........

The Sun will expand and consume this planet, and again we can not alter that.

An Asteroid/Comet WILL hit this planet and cause a catastrophe..

Yellowstone park May super erupt as it always does and remove 3/4's of the United States and kill 1/3 of the Worlds population.

Lawn mowers WILL injure 70k+ this year....

We should STRIVE to do better as we are, but lets not fret about something that WILL change.. after an 18k warming trend we are heading for an Ice Age starting.....................







This point was already addressed. You are 38. Life expectancy in the US is 77.6. Something will change - you will die. Does it matter when?

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If you are truly interested in what’s going on then you might also do a little research into the groups funding the studies that support the global warming hysteria.

I have. There are groups that support the global warming hysteria for political reasons, and then there are groups that support the global warming theory for scientific reasons. There are very many groups of the latter category. These groups are all over the world.

I doubt you will and even if you do you won’t dismiss the findings outright like you do those that dispute your position.

Clearly you have not read my posts. I only "dismiss outright" people like Bill Gray.

I guess that self-defense mechanism is indeed pretty strong and constantly fretting alleviates the boredom. It most likely hasn’t led you to turn off the computer, buy a wood burning stove (filtered stack, of course), sell your car, abandon all use of petroleum products including plastics, install solar panels or possibly a windmill in your backyard, etc., etc.

Again, clearly you have not read my posts. Please make sure to read the whole thread before replying.

This may help: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2638989&postcount=92

Do you honestly believe sourcewatch is an unbiased?

No I do not. I believe there is no such thing as "unbiased" or "objective". It simply does not exist.

At the same time I do not give up with a "everythnig is biased so I'll just pick my side" resignation. Neither do I allow my ignorance to take control with a "looks like scientists are split on the issue so I'll just pick my side" stuff. I am not a Republican and I am not a Democrat. I am a human being.

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Unfairness in what sense? Having higher expectations for developed nations? In nations where one individual consumes the equivalent of 30? We are the number one nation why shouldn't we be expected to act like it?

Well if your goal is to stop 'warming' then why should it matter if they are a developing country or not. Those countries don't consume less because they want to, they consume less because they can't. I bet their consumption would be in our neighborhood if they could and by giving they an exemption you certainly making it easier for them to be greater consumers per person in the future. This will definitely happen if you give them the competitive advantage of not conforming while we do.

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