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Eagles fans set record for most posts in the shortest


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Amount of time for an upcoming game. Surpassing the Bucs, Rams and cowgirls as the most trash talking, smack happiest bunch to grace the boards.

At least the discussions are getting more fruitful instead of absurd. The stock in the Eagles territory has risen with the team's successes, but so has the emotional pitch, normally reserved for more proven moments like when the division, title or SB is to be settled, but I forgot, they are still trying to get there.

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Originally posted by indyskinsfan:

At least the discussions are getting more fruitful instead of absurd.

Text....Speeking of planting a seed to reep a fruitful tree did you Skins know that it was almsot 2 years to the week that McNabb got his first start ? Against the Redskins to. My, my hasnt that McNabb tree grown to be a fine product with much fruit to flourish ? You Skins wish you had him, I can tell by your posts. There are alot of Eagles you would love to have on your club. And we have some of your fine players as well and on Sunday they all want to show you how dumb you were to let them go. LoL.

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I'm glad to be of service and actually am very impressed with this MB. I dare to explore this site since I am 1/4 a wit according to some.

The one thing that every Redskin fan can throw in our faces is the Super Bowl rings. Beleive me I hear it plenty of times. Just can't wait until one is FINALLY won so such statements will disappear and all will live in the present. Maybe it's wishful thinking but what the H#ll.

PS Let me help you down from that soap box I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.

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That was a good one Eagletistic laugh.gif

Oops I almost fell. Just wanted to show that your enthusiasms are high. Hey, Eagle_Lou, anyone would be a fool to pass up McNabb if that is what was truly on the table for needs. I watched this guy when he was at Syracuse and immediately put him with Doug Williams as the next black QB to win a SB. Yes it looks like your year in that regard and yes the defense does for your team what it is supposed to do, limit the opposition or shut them down, so your offense stays on the field, with the result being a Win.

Do I envy the Eagles for McNabb, no. I have come to the conclusion that not every team can be exactly alike, have the exact same players and or even circumstances week in and week out. Do I think my team is better than yours-No. Why, because across the board, they're almost even. At QB and TE, we need two players to equal your one. At RB, our back is NOT one dimensional, but the offense uses him a certain way, that your offense uses Staley in all downs. It won't matter, since the defense we have now, as opposed to last year is more adept to adjust to whatever, instead of 6 players running off the field on 3rd down. Still you get the nod in this one, just not much. So there's more than hope for my team in this one and better yet, it's just not on paper only. This IS a turnover game, make no mistake and the line of scrimmage wins this one.

On The Special Teams, your "offense" is made much more lethal with B'Mitch, and yes he will always be special to me. I miss him. However, Thrash I don't miss, because, he never got ingrained in the "starting" role here, and the team was so disorganized by the time he left, I just wasn't attached to anyone as a fan. B'Mitch was a player I liked from the day they drafted him. Just bear in mind, that there were different coaches and owners, managers with the circumstances surrounding him and Thrash, so dumbness doesn't cut it.

On another thing I didn't just mention the SB, I mentioned the division title game as well, and I also witnessed your Eagles/NO game in the year your team went to the SB. I fully aware of the Van Burens, Sneads, Montgomery's and Jaws, etc and the history.

[edited.gif by indyskinsfan on November 22, 2001.]

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indyskinfan: Great post dude. For the first time since Ive been in here somebody has stopped me in my tracks and I dont have a comeback to throw back, because everything you said in your last post made sense. You remembered our SB run back in 80-81. Then you truely know how most of us Eagle fans feel about our situation. Desparate for a Superbowl Victory. On the money about our special teams, our quarterback, and yes you are correct, it is going to be a Turnover game and whoever controls the line of scrimmage, will win. Good Luck to your Club On Sunday. We both have something to look forward to watching for sure. Enjoy Turkey Day, and most important of all GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. United We Stand. Goodnight, its bedtime for this Bonzo.

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What do you expect, we're Eagles fans!! You know the fans with the most pride, the most passion, the fans who are the loudest and most loyal to their team. Yeah b4 you go reciting the usual "Hey you boooed McNabb" story, that was the mistake of a few, and don't act like you all haven't been upset with a draft pick before, come on now you hypocrits.

The fact is, we are gonna make the most noise, whether on a message board, or on Sundays, so get used to it, we ain't goin nowhere!!

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Originally posted by Terry:

I gotta admit, we can't really mention Eagles fans booing McNabb when our own fabs were booing Marty recently.

That kind of tit for tat stuff usually backfires.

I disagree Terry. You can't compare that to McNabb being boo'd without *ever* doing anything on the field to deserve it.

I was at the KC game when, at halftime down 28-10, a video of Marty comes on the jumbotron as the players are running off the field... And a chorus of booing errupts. People started booing at the sight of his picture, not the message of the video. And after being outscored 95-13 in the first 10 quarters of the season, he deserved to be boo'd IMHO.

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