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Chargers draft picks Tomlinson & Brees continue holdout


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"We feel we’ve been very fair”

by David Neville, Chargers.com

07.31.01 - Chargers General Manager John Butler talked about the contract negotiations with unsigned draft picks LaDainian Tomlinson and Drew Brees following Tuesday afternoon’s practice.

"I just talked to (Chargers Vice President of Football Operations) Ed McGuire. I don’t think it all went that well for him," said Butler. "He’s been working hard on negotiations. It’s kind of at a standstill right now. That’s too bad for the football players. They ought to be here. It’s time right now.

"I think a good offer has been made, but it takes two sides. They’ve got their thoughts to it, too. Ed does an outstanding job of it. I’ll just let him continue at it.

"It’s a shame when players that haven’t played one snap in this league aren’t here right now. They’re trying to get all the money they can when the next contract’s the big one…once they show they can play in this league and deserve to play in it.

"From what Ed told me what was offered was awful dog gone good and fair. When we’re the only ones moving all the time, that doesn’t work too well. When you make something that’s good and fair, and you look at the things around it, there comes a time when that’s it. You’re getting where fair is fair, and we feel we’ve been very fair.

"The negotiations will take care of themselves. You know where my attention is right now? The guys that are here. Because they (the draft picks) can’t help us…they’re not here. So I’m not worried about that. Like I said, Ed does a great job. He’ll work on it. Eventually they’ll be here. Right now, we’re preparing to get this team ready. Because if they’re not here, we’ll just move on. That never ever bothers me, and it never has. I always go with the guys we got.

"It’s unfortunate. I feel bad for him (Tomlinson). To have a chance to be here and get ready and be with his teammates and get ready to do what he’s dreamed about doing for all of his life; play in the NFL. It’s too bad that it has to come down to somebody else controlling if he’s here or not.

"I’m just disappointed because I think it becomes a point of fairness. Both sides have to work very hard to get something done, and one side can’t be the only one giving, giving, giving."

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Funny how it was supposed to be Michael Vick being the potential holdout that caused them to trade down.

He's signed and will showcase his skills against the Steelers tomorrow.


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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The Chargers are still so snake bitten by Ryan Leaf they can't get their top picks signed. I think it's time for the Spanos family to sell the franchise. Bill Bidwell and Mike Brown should be forced to sell their franchises as well.


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Passing on Micheal Vick will go down as one of the worst sports moves ever.



"It's gonna be a long, long day, baby...Don't bring that weak s--- on this side of the line again, your hear? ... Get up, Brother, so you can go back down again".

"Fred Smoot"

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No, We need bonehead owners that way young geniuses like Danny can attract the free agents to augment our team.

I hope Vick and the Falcons are on TV tomorrow against the Steelers.


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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look at it from the players' perspectives. Brees is set to be a backup for sure to Flutie. So his time on the field is likely to be minimal to start off with. His agent probably figures that a week or so isn't going to have that much of an impact.

For Tomlinson the opposite is true. His agent KNOWS that Terrell Fletcher the #2 back is out with an injury and the Chargers are desperate at the tailback position. So he is going to hold out for every penny gambling the team is going to have to come close to his position at some point or sign a scrub free agent to start the season with.

I don't necessarily agree with the players' stances or that of their agents.

But I can see if I were on their side of the table, going to a team that was 1-15, that they would be more interested in getting the financials worked out first.

If the Chargers were a 12-4 Super Bowl team I don't think you would see the players or the agents taking the stances they are.

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