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Ann Coulter vs Al Franken


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The liberal "answer" to Coulter's books and others of this sort is comedian Al Franken's book: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. I wondered what he would say, but I didn't want to sanction him by buying the book, so I walked over to Barnes & Noble and spent about 10 minutes reading the first part of it in the store.

The first part of Franken's book, which is all I read, gives many examples of alleged distortions or outright lies in Coulter's book, Slander.

Umm. "I didn't actually read Franken's book, but I am qualified to rip it to pieces anyway..."

That's a good one.

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I have read Al Franken before, and at least he can be amusing at times. Coulter strikes me as actually being crazy and potentially would be a serial killer or mass murderer with her constant talk of "killing" whether it is Arabs, liberals, or whoever at that time has displeased her. And her recent "raghead" comments shows that she is a bigot as well. I truly think if Coulter was in charge, we'd have goose-stepping parades down Central Avenue.

Also, she often does not seem to know what she is talking about on some subjects, which is worse, and is often inaccurate with her "facts."

By the way, I don't the issue is just about Ann being conservative, which is rather questionable too, but it the words she states and her attutide towards those who do not agree with her views. Desiring to kill "liberals," who are fellow Americans, seems to be more analogous with a viewpoint of Al Qaeda.

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By the way, Franken went out of his way to research his book, "Liars," and to show his research. By sad comparision, Coulter's book includes notes of research that was simply made up by Ann.

I think "Liars" was an amusing book, especially considering the mean-spirited nature of some that seem to be purveying the "Right's" viewpoints and their idignation at Franken's book. It must be noted that I actually don't know too many Republicans that actually enjoy folks such as Coulter and Rush Limbaugh - so where do they get their audience?

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