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If we don't make it to SB XLI.......


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This season equals pure disappointment. Thats the bad thing about signing numerous FA's. Im psyched about the season, dont get me wrong, but if the Skins do not AT LEAST make it to the big game....I will feel that this was a lost season.

Iv'e been feeling that way for 6yrs now....

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Dear God man, what do you expect? We just made the playoffs for the first time in ten years, and you are disappointed if we don't win the Superbowl? I would love to get there, but we could have the top ten players in the league at the beginning of the season, and only a few by the end. Injuries have always been a dynamic part of any NFL franchises season. The teams without many, seem to always do well.

I honestly think this team has what it takes to get there, but it has to play all the games before they do. It's a love hate thing, keeping your fingers crossed, everyone stays healthy, and get home field advantage. Then think Superbowl, but not until.

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Totally disagreed.

The season is a disappointment if we don't improve on last season. Yes, the goal is the Super Bowl, but the thing we need to keep in mind is that we are adding dynamic players, who are also in the earlier stages of their development. The likes of Randle El and Lloyd are young guys who have yet to hit their prime.

If anything, these types of additions set us up for long term success hopefully.

Totally agreed. Just like this season, if we can improve in the next then I will be completely satisfied.

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