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NFL Draft View


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The Eagles draft, along with what's on the roster and the FA's already signed should take them to the big dance. They are on course for better execution, having maintained most of their roster, so familiarization, chemistry and consistancy of performance will all come in to play by the end of the season for them.<br /><br />They will still have to beat out Chicago, as long as Chicago shores up the leaks from the last season. St. Louis will make some noise once again, but I believe Philly will have their number. San Francisco is a mystery, as is Tampa Bay so much so that neither will have the challenged necessary to reach the NFC Championship. Too many holes exposed, like the Skins, and there's not enough movement now. The Draft is what they are looking for and some high profile June 1 release. Not a bad combination, but cap releases may be players that have all downside at that point.<br /><br />Our FA's was consistant performance and speed. So far so good, for the 3 we know will be starters. The Draft, even the linemen are expected to have smarts, quick feet, steady stance and very solid work ethic to deliver. We have it. That's why Tre Johnson won't compare with the 2 DL and 2 OL we'll select - oops, I let it out <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /><br /> <br /> <small>[ March 21, 2002, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: indyskinsfan ]</small>

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