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T.O. gets his own TV show?!


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Was driving from D.C. to Williamsburg and heard on DC101 that T.O. was getting his own tv show! IS THIS TRUE? They said there aren't any hints as to where it will be aired but that it will be on working out! I don't think I could stomach watching him stroke his ego for a half hour everyday! Hope it's named 'Whining with TO' or something along those lines! What you guys think about this? please tell me all are upset!

I did a search for existing threads... haven't seen any but there are sorry! couldn't imagine there isn't one already!

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Well, let's see:

Many people hate reality TV and the annoying aspects of its "real" people, yet look at American Idol, Survivor etc, etc. They = big ratings.

TO + Reality TV= HUGE ratings.....despite the fact that it will be another REALLY annoying reality TV show.

I'd watch at least the first few episodes:

I got a title for you " The New Adventures of Terrell Eldorado Owens and Big-Mouth Drew (Rosenhaus)"

Watch out CSI and Lost, here comes TO

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