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Redskins Memorabilia Auction for Charity


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Wow you really got some amazing items! It looks great guys!

You know Danny will be in my thoughts and prayers a long with his family and friends.

Thanks Huly, It means a lot!! Hey I met you at Redskins Park after the Tampa game. Hopefully, I can see you there next year after the skins win the superbowl!!!!

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I set the auctions to end tonight, but since a lot of these didn't sell, I'm going to extend them probably another 2 weeks.

I'm also going to put some of these on Ebay as well.

Thanks to you guys who bid on this stuff - it means alot to the Vacin's.

...If anybody is interested, I also have several baseball-type collector cards that are in brand new condition for Brian Mitchell, Art Monk, Wilbur Marshall, Charles Mann and Matt Millen (Millen could be a collectors item :whoknows: ) - PM if you want details or photos.

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I set these auctions to originally end on Sunday Feb 12 - The antique newspaper, the Joe Gibbs autographed pic and the Cooley helmet are the only things that sold, and am still waiting payment for the Cooley helmet. ...sorry for those of you who bid afterwards.

I will be adding an autographed pic of Clinton Portis and one of Santana Moss in a day or so that were generously donated by their foundation.

...I also put the Lavar helmet, the Patrick Ramsey football and one of the Joe Jacoby footballs on ebay, so there will be some competiton from there.

Thanks everybody.

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I want to really thank everyone for this auction especially Jimster. He didn't have to do this but he did. What I find amazing is that I have never met him. Jim heard of Danny's story a couple of years ago and Jim went and created danny's site, dannyvacin.com. It was also his idea to get the auction going. It has been a great success. Thanks to all that have donated items. Acts like these, really help my parents get through these trying times!!

Danny is hanging in there. No bad news is good news to us. He has not had any recent surgeries. A spammer hit Danny's messageboard and hit an old thread. Some people thought that he had a surgery recently. He did not. Danny is still going through physical therapy daily tp work his muscles and tendons. If he does not get the therapy, his muscles will shrink. He has already had a couple of surgeries to lengthen his tendons. He has also had numerous brain surgeries for infections, installing a shunt and prosthetic piece for bone in the skull that was removed. Doctors originally removed a piece of his skull because the swelling was really bad. If they didn't remove it, the swelling would have killed him. His body rejected the bone after the swelling went down. They had to create a prothetic piece. Danny has been through a lot and he is a fighter. Please just keep him in your prayers!!



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