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Championship Weekend Picks, Pats, and Apologies


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Last Week: 2-2

Playoffs: 4-4

Regular Season: 163-91

Record Picking Redskins games: 14-4 (including playoffs)

Last Week's Pats: Hate to say it, but I had the right pulse on the Redskins-Seahawks game. I just didn't think we'd have enough offense, and unfortuantely, I was right. I did well with my NFC picks last week. Not so much with the AFC.............

Last Week's Apologies: Well, I gotta tip my cap to the Steelers and Bronocs. I was quite confident they would both lose, and well....

This Week's Picks:

Pittsburgh at Denver: There were two teams that I picked against all year and was consistently incorrect: The Giants and the Broncos. All year long my gut told these two teams weren't the real deal, and for the most part, I got burned week after week. I finally relented with the Giants, going against my instincts, and picking them to beat Carolina. Burned again. I am not going to make that same mistake with the Broncos. I've doubted them all year, and I am going to doubt them once again this week. Pittsburgh put on one of the best defensive performances in playoff history last week, and Roethlisberger is starting to look like a real winner. Despite his solid year, I still have my doubts about Jake Plummer, and I imagine the Steelers will make it their duty to expose him. The Denver defense has been ignored all year, and the Steelers better be ready to face an underrated unit. I'm going with my gut.

Steelers 20, Broncos 17

Carolina at Seattle: It bothers me a bit that EVERYONE is picking Carolina this week. That always makes me a tad nervous. But I think there is good reason to do so. The Panthers have the better defense in this match-up, and I think the quarterbacks pretty much off-set each other. This game will come down to big plays, and I'm not sure how anyone can not take Steve Smith in that situation. When I close my eyes and picture Super Bowl XL, I just can't see the Seattle Seahawks representing the NFC.

Panthers 21, Seahawks 17

I don't have a big rooting interest here, except that I do NOT want to see a Denver-Seattle Super Bowl. Very boring, uniteresting match-up IMO. Any of the other combos would be OK. But I'm doing what a lot of people are doing: picking against the two home teams that are a combined 18-0 at their stadiums this year.

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