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Another Offensive Line Question.....

Hog Lover

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Why don't teams rotate Offensive Line players in and out like they do running backs, and Defensive linemen?

For example, Chris Samuels is a good run blocker, and good pass blocker at times but he struggles mightily in obvious passing situations against fast pass rushers. If we signed someone who could spell Samuels and complement his strengths, I think that would help solidfy our line.

It was obvious that our line was beat down at the end of the season, and we didn't have much depth to rotate, but I wonder why some teams don't give linemen a breather.

Some linemen are better run blockers than pass blockers, so wouldn't it make sense to have that position a little more specialized for running and passing situations?

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Offensive line play depends on the entire unit working well together. Linemen need to know and be comfortable with the players next to them to excell. A rotation scheme would hurt continuity. Furthermore, good offensive linemen are durable and don't tend to tire easily. As the game goes on, they should become more dominant.

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Offensive line play depends on the entire unit working well together. Linemen need to know and be comfortable with the players next to them to excell. A rotation scheme would hurt continuity. Furthermore, good offensive linemen are durable and don't tend to tire easily. As the game goes on, they should become more dominant.

Yes, but what about when you are up 35 - 7 in the 4th quarter with a few minutes in the game?

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Offensive line play depends on the entire unit working well together. Linemen need to know and be comfortable with the players next to them to excell. A rotation scheme would hurt continuity. Furthermore, good offensive linemen are durable and don't tend to tire easily. As the game goes on, they should become more dominant.

true. and on top of that, each lineman has his strenths and weaknesses and the backs have to adjust accordingly. to rotate linemen would mean altering the running game on an almost play to play basis.

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