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The Don't Blame One Player Thread


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As many people seem to think, John Hall's whiffed field goal 'cost us' the game. This cannot be further from the truth. We shouldn't have been in the position to bring him in in the first place. And just to see the human side of this, he is a person, like you or me.

Do any of you remember Dan Turk? He was the man who yanked the field goal in our playoff run of 1999. My friend, Tre Johnson (who happens to teach history at my school/coach football), told me that everyone, the fans, his teammates, etc, started hating him. The man played 16 years in the NFL only to be defined by one play. He never even got the chance to redeem himself, as he died of cancer only six months later.

The moral of this story is we were outplayed by the better team. Our defense deserves as much kudos as possible, and our offense gets some for their valiant effort in the second half.

We had a heck of a season -- let's not ruin it with these 'what if' and '_____ must go' threads. :logo:

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As I mentioned in another thread, it was a game of missed opportunities. Hall's miss was just one of many. Gibbs missed one by not challenging a spot (which would have made it fourth and one) on the Seagulls first TD drive. Moss, although CLEARLY interfered with, should probably have caught the ball there at the end. Not converting turnovers in Seattle territory into TD's was costly as well.

It was a game we had to play almost flawlessly to win and we played anything but.

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How 'bout not blaming anyone-- the O-line of the Seahawks was just good enough tonight to open up lanes for Morris and Strong.

We played a heck of a game, and yes, John Hall should have made that kick, and yes, Santana Moss probably should have caught the ball--

but we could "coulda, shoulda, woulda" all night long about half the plays in the game.

They don't all work out. Seattle got what it could, we didn't.

Nice job to them; nice job to us.

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