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What's Up with Schlereth?


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I'm new to the board (forgive me, I'm a die hard but didn't know about the board) and I apologize if this has been posted before.

But..what's up with Mark Schlereth? Ever since he has been on ESPN I have never heard him show any love to the Redskins, let alone Joe Gibbs. NOt the first time, but I heard him on ESPN radio yesterday and he was asked specifically about what Joe Gibbs does during the playoffs that makes him so successful. He gave an answer about all coaches and Coach Gibbs emphasizing basics. No love, no respect, as usual.

I don't care about announcers or analysts, but it makes me wonder what's up with him. Anybody know? Is there some bad blood that I missed?

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Hey he used to be a lot worse...he didn't have a good thing to say about the Skins for a long time, because he didn't like what Dan Snyder did to the team when he bought it.

But when Coach Gibbs was brought back he has backed WAY off on the skins...he did pick us last week if I recall and he did pick the Skins to make the playoffs around week 12.

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Yeah, I agree. Though, it's the lack of affection for Joe Gibbs that I wonder about. Not that it really has any bearing on anything and that every player has to love him. I just sick of him always bringing up Mike Shanahan when someone asks him about Joe Gibbs?

No big deal, today is too big a day to be worried about such small things. It just stuck in my craw yesterday. GO SKINS!!! HOUR AND A HALF TIL KICKOFF!!

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I've never heard him say anything bad about Gibbs. In fact, as someone else said, Gibbs' hiring actually got him to respect the team a bit more IMHO.

I've always thought that he liked to bash on the 'Skins a bit because they were the organization that gave him up for dead in 1995 when he hadn't played consistently in 2-3 years due to injury.

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Remeber fellas, Gibbs had to let him go when the cap was started. He had several knee surgeries, and did not want to admit that he lost a step or two, and he was released. He shows love for the Broncos though. They are playing the world champs and he predicted the Broncos to win. I certainly think the Skins has as good or better a chance to win today. The Skins will just have to punch Seattle in the mouth all day long, and then a little respect may actually be shown from the media.

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