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to any fans who love Lavar


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IF we lose in Seattle on Saturday, and if you are planning on being at the team complex to welcome the team back, and IF you really love Lavar Arrington, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a sign and bring it with you that says something to the effect of "Lavar, please don't go!"

I realize the chances of Lavar being here next year are not super, but I don't think they're zero, either. call me naive, but I get the feeling that part of his decision about coming back will depend upon how he thinks the fans feel about him. imho, he's already one of the 50 greatest redskins ever, both for his ability on the field and his character as a person. I think we're going to the super bowl next year if we don't make it this year, but I also think Lavar will be a big part of it. and he deserves a super bowl after all he's been through with this team. so if you want Lavar here next year (as I certainly do), please let him know it!!

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you're right, of course. I'll ask him to stay if we win the super bowl this year, too. I'm just saying that IF we lose, this will be the last good opportunity for people to show their love for him before the decision is made. anyway, as for this season, until we either lose or win the super bowl, it's not necessary to bring it up, so I was just saying IF this is the weekend on which the season ends, let's show him some love.

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For how much I love arrington, and the big plays he makes, $68 million dollars sounds kinda good, maybe reggie wayne or dwight freney and some other people in the off season;)

Actually by cutting LaVar, we would actually have a little LESS space under the cap.

So no, cutting LaVar doesn't equal to getting reggie wayne or freeney who isn't going to leave Indy.

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I don't normally respond to LaVar posts like this, but this really bothers me.

Right at the time when we have a team atmosphere, and group of guys that are definitely not individuals, you want to single one guy out? I say if you are fortunate enough to go see the team on Saturday night(after a hopeful Victory) just welcome the TEAM back. That sends the best possible message. Let's not allow these players heads to grow and lets show them that we appreciate them because we appreciate the B & G, and that they are a part of that family.

I'm not singling out the original poster here, so much as all people that want to single out guys on this team instead of encourage the family/team atmosphere that Gibbs has been able to bring back to this franchise.

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