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Theisman picks Brunell as comeback player of the year


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Joe Theismann

Mark Brunell is easily the guy for this award after the season he had last year. He was written off by a lot of people as being too old to be effective, but this season has proven the naysayers wrong with another great season and a playoff berth. He might not be as fleet of foot as he was with the Jacksonville Jaguars, but Brunell makes up for his lost quickness with great field awareness.


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Hell, Brunell got screwed out of going to the Pro Bowl, so this would be a good consolation prize. Although, I would have to say that Steve Smith of the Panthers will win it after breaking his leg last season and torching everyone he's played this season.

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No way. Steve Smith came back from a broken leg to become arguably the best receiver in the league. What did Brunell come back from? Sucking?

(And yeah, I know he had nagging injuries, but is it his fault that Joe Gibbs kept putting him out there?)

It's obviously all in how you define 'comeback.' I have always taken it to mean a comeback from sucking, frankly. A return from injury is more of a recuperation, imho.

To me, comeback player of the year is the award you give to the guy who makes you smack your forehead and say, 'Jeez, where was this guy LAST year?'

I agree that Smith's return is very impressive, of course.

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I'd have to go with Brunell because he came back from a point where his career, for all practical purposes, was thought to be over. Not just because of his performane last year, but he was on the decline when he got to Washington, having been forced out of Jacksonville in favor of Leftwich. Star players, like Smith, get hurt all the time and come back successfully (take Vick from a few years back for example), but Brunell was cast aside and pronounced legally dead by all football standards. The fact that he performed at a pro-bowl level this year is amazing.

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No way. Steve Smith came back from a broken leg to become arguably the best receiver in the league. What did Brunell come back from? Sucking?

(And yeah, I know he had nagging injuries, but is it his fault that Joe Gibbs kept putting him out there?)

Smith was great before breaking his leg. I feel that it should be based solely on performance, not injury recovery. I think the way it works is that one must have been great at some point in your career, had a lull in one's performance and then come back to or exceed the previous performance level. :2cents:

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Joe Theismann

Mark Brunell is easily the guy for this award after the season he had last year. He was written off by a lot of people as being too old to be effective, but this season has proven the naysayers wrong with another great season and a playoff berth. He might not be as fleet of foot as he was with the Jacksonville Jaguars, but Brunell makes up for his lost quickness with great field awareness.


Hey Joey T:

Thank you :obvious:!

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No way. Steve Smith came back from a broken leg to become arguably the best receiver in the league. What did Brunell come back from? Sucking?

(And yeah, I know he had nagging injuries, but is it his fault that Joe Gibbs kept putting him out there?)

You aren't the one that said "bring T.O. to Washington" are you?

Just kidding! ;)

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i dont want to be the only negative one here about brunell but i really dont think that he is pro bowl material this year. i know things are better for us this year but i think the pro bowl is for STANDOUTS and i honestly dont see that he has had that kind of year. to be a pro bowler you must first be consistent, which i dont think mark has been. although i do praise his efforts and the way he has played of late. and no i dont think returning from an injury makes it a comeback. these guys are athletes... if there body recovers from an injury then there is no reason for them not to be as good as they once were.comeback should be reserved for the most improved over the previous year. brunell... comeback player.. yes, pro bowler?... maybe next year.

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