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George michael at Camp Marty


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look at the numbers at receiver.

Westbrook is a lock. Gardner is a lock. Lockett is a lock.

McCants is a draft choice and has a lot of the same physical potential that Skaggs does. Grim is a more polished receiver right now. So unless the Skins keep 6 real receivers (Bates might be listed as a WR even though he will not play WR) it looks like anyone else is either practice squad material or a late cut.

I think Derrius Thompson will be among the first cuts in camp. Something tells me by bringing in 3 or 4 new receivers that Marty and Raye are not counting on Thompson at all.

Otherwise why not stop after taking Gardner and signing Lockett?

McCants and Grim became Redskins because the organization perceives no NFL quality depth returning from last year.

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It hard to imagine an effective WCO version that would not allow the QB to call audibles.


6 real receivers and Bates seems a bit of overkill, what numbers do you expect?


There are two kinds of opinions, mine and the wrong one!

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Skaggs will be on the practise squad if he doesn't get an infamous "blood disorder".

Also George (Jeff not michaels) was pleased with the offense. Thinks and hopes it will extend his playing career a few years as the rb's will get the pounding ("smash mouth") instead of him. Made the comment that he hopes this is his last team. Also he wouldn't wish on any QB having to learn new offenses every year or two like he has.

The audible comment was kinda snide though.. One of the very first things he said THIS year the QB's can audible with a kind of slight smirk. A bit of a dig at Norv and Robiskie, ya think?

Going by George's tone and words, he really likes McCants. Something along the lines of "my kind of reciever".

When George Michaels was talking about Skaggs, Jeff commented that he's making some plays. But apparently he's made some mistakes too. He commented that what he likes to see is when a young player makes mistakes he goes back and studies his playbook and corrects it. So from his limited comments I see Skaggs as a practise squadder or getting a free trip to Europe to continue learning.

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If Skaggs is George Michaels sleeper pick, that's the kiss of death as far as he is concerned. Last year, his pick was Marcus Stiggers, and if I remember correctly, it was Chad Dukes the year before.

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