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What is up with # 92


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Gardener is a bonus in my mind. I think any games we can get out of him are gravy. If he doesn't work out he came cheap anyway. He's a boom or bust signing at this point. What we need is guys like Del Cowsette and Carl Powell to step up just in case Gardener can't play this year.

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Originally posted by Dickens

Gardener is a bonus in my mind. I think any games we can get out of him are gravy. If he doesn't work out he came cheap anyway. He's a boom or bust signing at this point. What we need is guys like Del Cowsette and Carl Powell to step up just in case Gardener can't play this year.

I agree with you. I like both Powell and Cowsette (Go Terps!!!). Given the chance both these guys can contribute.

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I suffer thru a really bad back. I know the pain and the spasms he goes thru and that is why I didn't want to waste cap money on him. Sure when he is feeling good he can be a great football player. But we cannot expect anything from him. Whatever we get from him is just a bonus. He is going to have ups and downs dealing with his back problem.

The day in and day out practices are going to hurt him not help him. They need to rest him all week, give him pinpoint injections a day or two before the game and get him some oxycontin and percocets for sunday. Then he can go out and play for 3 hours and rest the next 6 days. This is the only way he is going to make it thru a season and there are still going to be days he just isn't going to be able to play.

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Cowboys fans have an inflated view of their lines.

The only franchise player I see is Larry Allen. You can add Glover now to that list, although, he needs to be protected in the run game.

On the DL, Greg Ellis, Ekuban, Myers, etc.....these guys are best known for having been high draft picks, not for having done much in the NFL. Ellis has been unable to stay healthy and had one good season, what 3 years ago? Ekuban is another guy that each year is supposed to become a monster yet I haven't seen the stats to back that argument up. Wasn't 2001 supposed to be his breakout year?

Brandon Noble is a solid DT and underrated.

So, overall my view of the Cowboys is very solid at DT while being optimistic about the development of players on the outside.

On the offensive side, you have a group that is well-versed in run blocking but is only middling in pass protection. That is one of the reasons you guys have gone through so many quarterbacks the past couple of years, with guys on and off IR.

Allen is the best OL in the NFC.

But Adams is a step slow in pass protection and has gotten beaten regularly by the better rushmen he faces.

Garmon is another road grader who excels in opening holes once he gets a head of steam up, but lacks quickness and needs help from the center to neutralize DT's on the rush.

Gurode? a rookie who is going to be up and down. you can't make a judgment about him one way or the other till next offseason at the earliest with a full year of play to review.

So, that is an offensive line that has capabilities. But it is also limited when the Cowboys fail to establish the early run and have to play from behind as it is not the best pass protecting group around.

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